Bay Area BYCers!

Cheryl, these pics are for you! The first one is Sir Miles and Gwendolyn! Aren't they cute together? And the second one is Miles standing up to one of our Barred Rock hens. He did not back down! I sure hope that I can figure out some way to keep a roo. I think that he would put those older ladies in their place and hopefully protect the ones at the bottom of the pecking order. I don't know what it is about spring but I have some bullying going on in my flock.

DARLING thanks they are so cute! Chooklet brings her roos in the garage and night and that makes her neighbors happy
I'm thinking about trying the roo in the garage thing! How often does Sir Giles crow?

Deb that's where I had to keep Blue, my AM roo still he went to auction yesterday. I had grab him from rossting at night and let him out the next day. He just didn't shut up when you even went out to feed, So I'd toss out scratch and then let him out.
I'm thinking about trying the roo in the garage thing! How often does Sir Giles crow?

OH DEAR well he a manly man and really rules the entire lot of breeding pens, he's so protective of everybody there, even not in his own pens, so I would say he's a very frequent crower and LOUD, but let's hope you get a strong silent type, but by the looks of him he's already taking after his father!! :)
ok then this afternoon - I come home from the ranch with a full carton of hatching eggs (yes jubilees too) and my dog gets the carton off the counter and starts eating them - caught in the act....oh well
NO!!! Was it Cooper or was it my little Chewie? Am I going to get home tonight and find that I am now the proud owner of a misbehaving labradoodle?
NO!!! Was it Cooper or was it my little Chewie? Am I going to get home tonight and find that I am now the proud owner of a misbehaving labradoodle?

Of course it was Crosby, and yes I've already packed his bag. Very bad puppy also got into a garbage bag with old incubated but not developed eggs, You'd think he'd be sick, but he continues to exhibit badness.... Chooklet..he's all yours!

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