Bay Area BYCers!

I'm so sorry Steffanie, I don't have any experience with raccoon related injuries so all I can offer are healing thoughts for your Violetta.

I hope she pulls through.
Thanks, Jeremy. I'm figuring to try some saline-soaked gauze to keep the area moist, and possible allow the skin to be moved back into place. Then, some sort of gauze wrap to keep the area clean. Then, she'll need some sort of antibiotic. I don't even know if she'll eat or drink. I know some people have said that chickens can recover from terrible gaping wounds, so I'm hopeful. But, really, it's a horrible wound, so maybe she won't.
Steff, So sorry to hear about Violette! I've never had to deal with a gaping wound before but at the Delta Poultry Meetup this past weekend, one of the ladies there was telling me about when she stitched up a huge wound on one of her hens. The hen recovered completely. Do you want me to try to contact her and ask her exactly what she did?
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Bummer, I had a raccoon attack tonight. Initially, I thought Violetta only had a wound to her ear, because that's where the blood was. But, now I can see that she had her whole side torn open under her wing. I can see her muscles and even a hole in the connective tissue. I sprayed her with saline wound cleaner, but I doubt that is enough. She's isolated in a cage in the basement.

Does anyone have personal experience with a chicken injured this badly who survived? If so, what did you do? I'm crushed. She was (of course) my favorite new Barnie girl. I've never put down a bird before. I'd rather not do it now, if there's any chance she could survive.

It goes without saying, time to do some serious improvement on my pop door and all other coop security.

Steph I have had to nurse a girl in very similar shape. I gave her liquid food - emeraid omnivore-Avian which is a critical care nutrition - this keeps there strength up. I have a packet I'm using right now for a bird, but if you like I can give you some and see if I can get another packet from my vet. Come over this morning, call me

After cleaning I would use neosporin (no pain formula) and then wrap with vet wrap
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Bummer, I had a raccoon attack tonight. Initially, I thought Violetta only had a wound to her ear, because that's where the blood was. But, now I can see that she had her whole side torn open under her wing. I can see her muscles and even a hole in the connective tissue. I sprayed her with saline wound cleaner, but I doubt that is enough. She's isolated in a cage in the basement.

Does anyone have personal experience with a chicken injured this badly who survived? If so, what did you do? I'm crushed. She was (of course) my favorite new Barnie girl. I've never put down a bird before. I'd rather not do it now, if there's any chance she could survive.

It goes without saying, time to do some serious improvement on my pop door and all other coop security.

I had a girl hook herself under the wing on a nail. Gouged herself open pretty good. She healed fine.

I'd definitely give her a shot of an antibiotic since it was a raccoon attack. Also, you can give 1/4 regular aspirin crushed up in 1 cup of water for pain. Good luck. It always has to be the favorites.
Thanks for the responses, everyone. Violetta is alive and walking/clucking this morning, but won't eat or drink. I tried scrambled eggs and blueberries, with a side of oatmeal ( a coop favorite). I put vitamins in the water, but she isn't drinking. She is dripping serosanguinous fluid. She layed her egg (soft, but no surprise due to the stress).

Cheryl, I have some baby parrot food that can be mixed and fed by syringe. Will that be the same idea as your critical care nutrition? I compared the label with the link you provided. It looks similar, except the parrot food has a little more fiber. I can mix it up to whatever consistency I want. I have a tiny syringe for feeding, but no gavage tube. I'm hoping I can get that at the feed store as well. Maybe the pet store, as a last resort.

Happy Chooks, I plan to go to the feed store and get Pen G and some syringes. There's no way she'll survive this without some antibiotics on board. I'm planning to clean the wound again with sterile saline wound spray, and figured I would do some type of wet-to-dry dressing, but have no idea how to keep it in place.

Can I get vet wrap at the feed store, or do I have to get it from a pharmacy? From my nursing/wound care days, I figure if I can keep the wound moist and clean, and she is being treated with antibiotics, she might have a chance. (Of course, only if I can keep her hydrated.)

Cheryl, are you home? Any chance you could help me hold her still for this initial cleaning and bandage session? I have no idea how I'm going to do this alone. Probably have to put a dark sock over her head to keep her still.

I went back in the coop and found a patch of skin (with downy feathers) that must have been what was torn from under her wing. Poor girl!!!
Thanks for the responses, everyone. Violetta is alive and walking/clucking this morning, but won't eat or drink. I tried scrambled eggs and blueberries, with a side of oatmeal ( a coop favorite). I put vitamins in the water, but she isn't drinking. She is dripping serosanguinous fluid. She layed her egg (soft, but no surprise due to the stress).

Cheryl, I have some baby parrot food that can be mixed and fed by syringe. Will that be the same idea as your critical care nutrition? I compared the label with the link you provided. It looks similar, except the parrot food has a little more fiber. I can mix it up to whatever consistency I want. I have a tiny syringe for feeding, but no gavage tube. I'm hoping I can get that at the feed store as well. Maybe the pet store, as a last resort.

Happy Chooks, I plan to go to the feed store and get Pen G and some syringes. There's no way she'll survive this without some antibiotics on board. I'm planning to clean the wound again with sterile saline wound spray, and figured I would do some type of wet-to-dry dressing, but have no idea how to keep it in place.

Can I get vet wrap at the feed store, or do I have to get it from a pharmacy? From my nursing/wound care days, I figure if I can keep the wound moist and clean, and she is being treated with antibiotics, she might have a chance. (Of course, only if I can keep her hydrated.)

Cheryl, are you home? Any chance you could help me hold her still for this initial cleaning and bandage session? I have no idea how I'm going to do this alone. Probably have to put a dark sock over her head to keep her still.

I went back in the coop and found a patch of skin (with downy feathers) that must have been what was torn from under her wing. Poor girl!!!

I'm home and have antibiotics, gavage tube/syringe, vet wrap and everything you need call me
Does anyone know a no-kill place to give a rooster to? My friend ended up with a rooster she can't keep and needs to give it away. She raised it as a pet and doesn't want it just killed for dinner. Any ideas? Thanks!!!!
Cheryl, I can't thank you enough!

I'm leaving Violetta in the cat carrier for now. She is laying down, looking comfortable, and resting for the first time since last night. I'll keep you posted. I have to go buy supplies.

I checked on your avocados. You have both Type A and Type B, so you're good. Mine could use the conjugal visit, though. It's little blossoms are starting to burst! My Bacon has no blossoms yet.

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