Bay Area BYCers!

For some of us who shop at WFC / Western Farm Center, Santa Rosa .... Larry Bertolini, one of the co-owners, passed away on Sunday, as reported in today's Press Democrat.
Larry was always involved in education, helping out 4H'ers and supported all kinds of student activities. I always stopped by his office to say hi when I saw him there, and he always took the time to chat ... one of the kindest, lovable persons I've known
... no wonder WFC is packed w/ customers despite having so many pet and discount stores marketing the same supplies nearby ... let's all hope WFC continues to stay in business for a looong time to come !
For some of us who shop at WFC / Western Farm Center, Santa Rosa .... Larry Bertolini, one of the co-owners, passed away on Sunday, as reported in today's Press Democrat.
Larry was always involved in education, helping out 4H'ers and supported all kinds of student activities. I always stopped by his office to say hi when I saw him there, and he always took the time to chat ... one of the kindest, lovable persons I've known
... no wonder WFC is packed w/ customers despite having so many pet and discount stores marketing the same supplies nearby ... let's all hope WFC continues to stay in business for a looong time to come !
Larry was a special guy. He will be missed!

GASP! Thanks Cheryl for telling me about Chick Tow and the Bredas.

Chick Tow, hi, so how long have you had Bredas, how old are they? I just wondered if you have chicks and are just starting or if you can tell me what they're like when they're older. I have 3 now from Greenfire, and JUST ordered 6 more. So far the ones I have are extremely friendly and calm. I'm hoping they stay that way-they are separated from all the others as they were so docile they were pecked at.

I might be interested in more.
For some of us who shop at WFC / Western Farm Center, Santa Rosa .... Larry Bertolini, one of the co-owners, passed away on Sunday, as reported in today's Press Democrat.
Larry was always involved in education, helping out 4H'ers and supported all kinds of student activities. I always stopped by his office to say hi when I saw him there, and he always took the time to chat ... one of the kindest, lovable persons I've known
... no wonder WFC is packed w/ customers despite having so many pet and discount stores marketing the same supplies nearby ... let's all hope WFC continues to stay in business for a looong time to come !

WFC is a special, and kind of old-fashioned place, where the staff is knowlegable and helpful! A real treat to shop there! And how great to support local business instead of big box stores? Thanks for the good reminder, Daphne.
I like the new layout .. will you be having a water supply/faucet nearby, or can you run a pipe w/ automatic watering system to the coops? And a "holding place" for your compost pile nearby? Just some thoughts, as sometimes carrying buckets of water can be a hassle, same w/ raking up the poops and then moving them by shovels, buckets, etc.
We'll need an Open House to "Omelet Outlet" when everything is settled in
I LOVE THAT! The Omelet Outlet!! LOL There is a lovely stream that runs right near the pens but down the hill and it was one of my first thoughts about a party. But it is on someone's personal property so I don't know if that can happen.

Good Ideas Daphne...There is water nearby and we will be hooking up the same automatic waterers that we currently have at the ranch, they've been great! and there is a group of guys that work there a couple times a week cleaning the horse stalls etc and they will be doing the cleaning, then everything gets taken to their HUGE compost area.
Fun work party building pens in Clayton Cinco de Mayo may 5 - 6th. Hopefully I'll have hatching eggs for trade!!

Sounds like a nice gathering ... I won't be able to help b/c of a compressed stress fracture on my lower vertebrae from a January 31 fall. Doctor says it will take 3 to 6 months to heal.

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