BBS Jersey Giants Need hatching buddies 9/28 day 10!!(pics)

Oh, they are so cute! So, you ended up with how many JGiants? They all look great! Hey, send some of that sunshine my way! It will be in the 30s again tonight here. High in the 50s. We had rain for 2 solid days and nights. Wet and yukky. Sunshine today though.

What was your % hatched? Looks like you did pretty well.
Awe...they look so sweet! Yes, that black one with the red face looks just like the one I hatched a few weeks ago. They should both lay olive colored eggs. The one from the medium olive egg is 2nd generation, and if you've got a pullet, it should lay very dark live eggs. The one from the blue egg is 1st generation, and should lay eggs the color of the medium green 2nd generation one.

Please do let us know your total, and how many of each color, too!

Of ten viable at 18, at day 20 five... grr...

Of course it did NOT help that the bator dried up overnight and they were too dry. Next time I hatch were I can keep an easier watch on water levels.

It has been one of those weekends so I didn't get to watch the humidity the way I wanted to therefore

But I think four of the ten will make it, the fifth looks less likely... most quit yesterday for no apparent reason.
You know 21 days is crazy why can't it just be 1 then everything would go great.There are so many variables that can take place over 3 weeks I can't wait till 1 of my flock starts to go broody or I get a cabinet bator! my Dad has chickens go broody all the time He doesn't even watch them most of the time they are up in the hay stacks and every once in a while He calls and asks if I can get rid of some chicks for Him! He says these darn things wont quit hatching babies!!!Crazy!! and I try to hatch them out how funny! I have my flock now that I want I am taking some hens over to my Uncle in NM this week/I will be left with my Black cochins and Blue Roo/all my JG's they wont be laying for months yet/and my first 3 I hatched a LB pullet and 2 BO pullets.and 7 Roos for freezer camp! just about finished a coop for my JG's a couple more days then all will be back to norm till the next adventure thank all who followed and hatched!! and thank You Wynette for the awesome eggs I will post some more pics in a few weeks to follow up!!
Awe...walkswithdog....Seramas are really hard to hatch, from what I've seen! Seems like you're doing well to get a couple, so you probably actually did SUPER well on your hatch!

SOO glad the babies are doing well, mahalo - oh, that would be great if you'd post pics in a few weeks! Glad you're pleased with the hatch!

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