BBS Rule

Black x Black = 100% black
Blue x Blue = 25% black 50% blue 25% splash
Blue x Black = 50% blue 50% black
Splash x Splash = 100% splash
Blue x Splash = 50% blue 50% splash
Black x Splash = 100% blue
I was just looking for this. I have a silkie sitting on
2 black x splash eggs
3 blue x splash eggs

Last time I let her sit 3 blue x splash and all babies were splash. I wanted some blues this time.
I'm desperately hunting for an answer so I'm hijacking this post! Sorry!! Last year I acquired a splash Orpington pullet. This year I went out and found a super nice blue cockerel. I have had them in a breeding pen by themselves for over 2 months with another splash pullet. In the last couple days, one of my hens has hatched out 5 babies. Now here is the question. Out of her eggs, she has 2 splash, 1 blue, and 2 BLACK. How did this happen? I can't find an answer anywhere since blue and splash are suppose to be 50% blue/50% splash. PS My girls had ZERO contact with any other rooster than the blue. The eggs she is hatching out are hers and her sister's only.
I'm desperately hunting for an answer so I'm hijacking this post! Sorry!! Last year I acquired a splash Orpington pullet. This year I went out and found a super nice blue cockerel. I have had them in a breeding pen by themselves for over 2 months with another splash pullet. In the last couple days, one of my hens has hatched out 5 babies. Now here is the question. Out of her eggs, she has 2 splash, 1 blue, and 2 BLACK. How did this happen? I can't find an answer anywhere since blue and splash are suppose to be 50% blue/50% splash. PS My girls had ZERO contact with any other rooster than the blue. The eggs she is hatching out are hers and her sister's only.
I'ts possible that they are just really dark Blues.

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