Be prepared


12 Years
Oct 3, 2007
I know that this subject has been posted before but there are newbies here and after my experience in the last few days I decided to post it again.

PLEASE everyone who loves there chickens please prepare a first aide kit for them. It is so hard to gather the items needed in an emergency. If they are all together you can immediately start to help you chicken. Please do a search on BYC and find the list of first aid kit items so you can begin to put a kit together. I learned this the hard way and am just thankful it was a dove that was sick and not one of my girls.
for peoples' convenience, here is one good example of a thread on this subject (there are many others but most of the same info is contained here):

It would be nice (IMHO) if this could be installed as content on the main byc site - the info could be condensed into a list of basics, a list of more extensive supplies, an a list of 'some folks also have these'.

A 'personal page' would also do it (I'd be perfectly willing to volunteer if no one else wanted to), *except* that personal page info seems to just disappear into the crowd of all misc personal pages so it doesn't seem like there's any good mechanism for people to know the info is *there*. Or am I missing something?

I agree. I have been searching for info. and it would be nice if there was a list that had a sticky or something. So you could go right to it.

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