Beach Sand in the coop?

I use beach sand in my coops and the runs... works beautifully.... The girls love discovering the shells... buy mine by the dump truck it is illegal to just take it off the beach here in NJ
LOL Good point Galanie, but when you live near dunes, sand blows in from everywhere. Our local market is built on a sand dune... the sand blows into piles in the parking lot. They are more than happy to have residents drive up and take it away. If you have ever lived near or been to sand dunes, people would laugh and mock me if I paid for sand. It truly is everywhere. I'm glad I can use it in the coop, that will really help.
Well, I grew up on the Texas Gulf Coast if that counts, close to Padre Island National Seashore. Only when I was little it wasn't a National Seashore. People used to graze cows on that beach at night and we were free to take all the sand we wanted but then no one back then would have dreamed of abusing it like they would now. I know what you're saying, absolutely. Just wanted to reiterate the warning to be careful, and it sounds like you are going to get it from a great spot.

PS - buying sand grates on my nerves more now even than buying water in little tiny bottles.
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Only thing is make sure they have a great supply of water because if it's beach sand then it might be really salty! Wouldn't it?

There's a world of difference in getting it from a beach, which is what was implied in the OP, and cleaning up a parking lot.

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