Bearded Dragon not acting right.

Compaction can happen if it eats too much too fast or has a lack of heat.

I'm not sure if this is exactly what it is/the best way to describeit, but compaction is when (food) gets compacted/stuck in the digestive system.
Ok. Thank you! Is there anything that can be done to help it?
Unfortunately your bearded dragon looks severely underweight. It could be a number of things, parasites, compaction, illness. I would take him to an exotics vet ASAP. Reptiles can decline quickly and this isn't something you want to leave alone if he isn't eating.

In the mean time you can soak him in warm water and reptile electrolytes to try to give him some energy and possibly get him to poop if he hasn't.
Thank you! I don't know if there's any exotics vets nearby, but we might be able to take him back to the pet store.

Is it ok for them to be in water?
Thank you! I don't know if there's any exotics vets nearby, but we might be able to take him back to the pet store.

Is it ok for them to be in water?
Yes, you should be soaking him about 3 times a week to make sure he's staying hydrated. Fill a small tub or your bathtub with warm water (not hot) just enough for him to sit in. Let him rest in it for about 10-15 minutes.
This soak is good to have around for things like this. I hope this helps!
Yes, you should be soaking him about 3 times a week to make sure he's staying hydrated. Fill a small tub or your bathtub with warm water (not hot) just enough for him to sit in. Let him rest in it for about 10-15 minutes. Med&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAjwz5iMBhAEEiwAMEAwGOHvtvYcL_eXl8-reoRpBIjXjghrv-HHGVCPrwO6PJVHT7WZ9jt6oRoCg6AQAvD_BwE
This soak is good to have around for things like this. I hope this helps!
Ok. Thank you! This is still a baby, I think. It's very small. Is it still safe for it to be in water? I'm just a little worried that it could drown. :oops:
What kind of lighting do you have, what are you feeding and how often?
It has a heat lamp and UV (I think it's called that) light. It's been fed kale and crickets as far as I know. They put some white stuff in it's tank. As far as how often, I don't know.
Ok, heat and UV are both vital.
What are the temps in the tank? When was the last time it pooped?
I don't know the temps. I don't know the last time he pooped.
I am truly sorry that the little one is not doing well. But without really knowing the situation, I fear there is not much I can do to help except recommending some other educational resources

Reptifiles offers a comprehensive care guide that can help you figure out if there is a problem with your setup or routine. There is also a section on common illnesses that may be of use. I hope your little buddy pulls through :hugs

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