Bears at the coop!!!

as far as i'm concerned, it gonna be bear season pretty soon if it comes near my chickens. (not likely since i'm in Michigan
DO THE ELECTRIC FENCE. THAT WILL PROBABLY NOT KEEP IT TOTALLY AWAY BUT WILL KEEP IT OUT OF YOUR CHICKENS. It will just come and pace and stare at them. LEG HOLD TRAPS LARGE ENOUGH TO CATCH A BEAR ARE ILLEGAL IN MOST STATES. oops! Best thing to do in my opinion is to smoke the hams on the bear and turn the rest of it into yummie smokie sausages.
Carrie - I used to trap - believe me a leg hold trap is used only to hold the animal until the trapper comes - it is really not cruel in itself - I can put my hand into a trap and it doesn't hurt - it just holds my hand and I can't pull it out - any cruelity comes to play is when the trapper doesn't visit the trap often enough and the animal starves or in the worste case some chew its leg off to get away - that doesn't happen often - if the trapper visits the trap often enough it never happens - if done properly it really is not cruel - that is a misconception that has been put forth by those animal rights groups - if it was cruel I would not have trapped - believe me -
Electric fence is always there, while you are sleeping, while you are at the grocery store, while you are taking dogs to the vet to tend the bear wounds
you can't always be there, and if you get rid of this one, another one or something else could come along.

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