Beautiful English Black/Blue cuckoo orpington.


7 Years
Jun 30, 2012
Im selling this young cockerel only because he is getting picked on by the larger older roos I have . he is a beautiful english boy. He will get alot bigger as he ages. He is LF not bantam. the black that is on his comb is from dried blood from the fight and he isnt hurt or mamed, it was a nip on a tip of his comb and it bleed like crazy.. He is doing just fine and a big baby but he has to go soon as I dont have a place for him that will be fine for just 1 bird as all my pens are for multiple birds. I will ship. if interested message me. will allow pickup .. I ship in new horizon shippers , shipping runs. 65.00 as he isnt light and then cost of box is 22.00. im asking 100 for him OBO.. he is worth it and if it wasnt for the bigger roos I would keep him with my blue and black hens . just mentioning if you put him with hens as normally with them, you may get blue,black and splash cuckoos and if hte girls are solid them 50/50 on it.. but still carry the cuckoo gene. just trying to answer some messages
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