Beautiful peahen showed up at my farm this past weekend - what can you tell me about her?

Wynette, I posted them to show the silver on her back. My understanding is that it's really uncommon for the males to have the silver/grey colors. Thiat could be what is making her appear lavender? I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to hijack your thread.
definately silver pied, but as to the base colour, could be opal or even charcoal since it doesn't seem very brown where there is colour. Many people will free range their charcoal hens, as they don't lay fertile eggs.
Frosty - please, no worries! - this is really good info. for me - if no one claims this pea, all these little snippets are things I'll be able to watch for!! Arbor, wow - that's interesting about the charcoal!
I would die if a bird like that showed up in my backyard. My male calls for them all day and all night long..I wonder how long their sound travels? Have you ever owned peafowl before? This might be an omen that you will soon be a breeder of peafowl!? Honestly that is a rare-looking color. I thought it was black-shouldered at first but from your recent pics I can tell it's more. Somebody is missing their bird!
I would die if a bird like that showed up in my backyard. My male calls for them all day and all night long..I wonder how long their sound travels?
It can be heard 3-5 miles away- there's a person about 2 miles down the road from us whose male calls and we can hear him just fine. There's one farther away that we can hear when it gets quiet at night. So the answer is: FAR!!!
nathhowe - gosh, that makes me feel even worse....I honestly hope the rightful owner sees my ad. I had another thought tonight - I'm going to seeif the local feed store will let me put up a "found - interesting fowl" sign. She was here again tonight...she's getting bolder, and came within probably 6' of me. I was just doing my normal chores, and she watched intently....then chased my barn cat away - it was pretty neat.
definately silver pied, but as to the base colour, could be opal or even charcoal since it doesn't seem very brown where there is colour. Many people will free range their charcoal hens, as they don't lay fertile eggs.
You know, I just had a thought - if she is charcoal based, do you think someone may have DUMPED her?
Most likely not. Charcoal females may be infertile but anyone that loves peafowl enough to HAVE charcoal birds won't be likely to dump them. Most likely she's an escapee- and if she's coming within 6 feet of you, someone loved her.
I agree that it was not likely "dumped". People will free range them because they don't lay eggs, meaning they won't likely go broody and are less likely to be taken out by predators. Hens are social, and will search for other peafowl and often domestic fowl if there are no others around. Even males will wander off if no hens are around.

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