Best Breed for Eggs

THE BEST laying breed is the White Leghorn. You'll get the most eggs for the feed they eat. However, they lay white eggs, so if you're wanting "farm fresh brown eggs" you'll have to pick a different breed.

For brown eggs, the best layers are Rhode Island Reds, Production Reds, Red Sexlinks (aka Golden Comets, Cinnamon Queens, Gold Sexlinks, Red Stars, ISA Brown, etc), Barred Rocks, and Black Australorps.
Get Pearl White Leghorns and Black Sex links.

I had a black sex link that didn't miss laying an egg every day for over 90 days.
I agree my leghorns lay far mor eggs than any of my other breeds. When I sell eggs people always want brown eggs so I sell those and keep the white eggs for myself. I can't taste any difference.
If you can get golden will have lots of beautiful BIG brown eggs.

Chix are supposed to do well at 6 eggs/wk. Try 7 eggs per week every week since Easter!

It's like she considers it her job. She works to find her own food. GCs weigh in at about 4.5 pounds for a mature hen. Your feed to eggs conversion ration is advantageous.

Eggs I get from mine are always over 2-ounces -- One was 2.75. (if you go to the 'charts & quotes' page on my BYC Page section there is an egg size chart for ez reference. )

Good luck with your search.
My Black Australorp hybrids (x'd with ISA brown) lay on average 6 - 7 eggs per week each. I have one who slowed down a little lately, but it's winter here and she's getting picked on a bit by the alpha chook, so I assume that's why.
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