Best breeds for a good-tempered rooster?

My favorite roosters are Belgian d’Uccle roosters and bantam NH red roosters, the d’Uccles are lovely with the ladies and if they are a little saucy around puberty they are easy to show who’s boss, and then make excellent cuddle bugs after that:love Our NH red boys are extremely friendly, never had a lick of sass from any of them and they weren’t handled much as chicks, they are a tad rough on the hens though, they don’t seem to have the mating thing down yet, but they love their girls and seem to get attached to one particular hen and will help only that hen nest (very cute to watch)
We culled our rooster Olaf last year after he became nasty with the hens. It grieved us as he was excellent with people, inc. children, and was a nice boy originally, although he accidentally injured some hens (before a pedicure) and then turned aggressive with the girls over time.

We've only had hens since then but I would love to add another rooster to the flock - we enjoy keeping a rooster and like the dimension they bring to the flock. We also have a very dominant hen who has started mounting the lowest ranking hen and causing some severe bald patches, plus there are major squabbles at bedtime. I feel that a rooster would help bring more cohesion as these issues were not present before. We have 14 hens and plenty of space.

Here in the UK there are lots in need of homes, all different shapes and sizes. My Mum is very anxious about it (although we have had many roosters in the past and they were all great!) and keeps saying "let's get a small one!". I would love to hear your opinions on what breeds you recommend for friendly roosters or which ones you'd avoid. I know you can never say for sure but I'm not really familiar with the traits of different breeds.

Thank you!
Our Polish Tophats are pretty docile! We have been told other roosters are much more aggressive. Ours come to us when we have food and patiently wait, and eat out of our hand. They herd the new chicks, but rarely peck or hurt them. Just put them in line.
I have an accidental black Cochin rooster (was supposed to be a pullet) Big Daddy, and he is not only gorgeous, but because he's large, he is quite calm and not flighty and has gotten polite with his 9 hens (he was really horney when he was younger and didn't "get" any kind of wooing behavior).

Now he finds goodies and treats and calls the hens, then lets them grab the goodies right out of his beak. He's pretty polite with me - treats me like the giant who brings good stuff to eat and gives way when he is in my path. While he watches me, he doesn't stalk me or chase anyone else.

He's probably not as loud as some other breeds, but 4:45 comes really early.
I’ll put in a plug for Swedish Flower Hens. I was very happy with the two cockerels I raised last year. They got along with each other, and I could turn my back on them with no need to be wary of them. And they were underfoot quite a bit, just casually mingling while I did chores. I did end up selling all my adult SFH, and the people who bought them seem to love them. 😊

I can’t wait to see what you eventually end up with!
Blue Copper Marans have been pretty docile, Cream Legbar and Bielfelders, not sure if you have them there or not(?).

We get Marans and Legbars but I'm not sure about Bielfelders, I never heard of those before. :)

I’ll put in a plug for Swedish Flower Hens. I was very happy with the two cockerels I raised last year. They got along with each other, and I could turn my back on them with no need to be wary of them. And they were underfoot quite a bit, just casually mingling while I did chores. I did end up selling all my adult SFH, and the people who bought them seem to love them. 😊

I can’t wait to see what you eventually end up with!

I never heard of those either but they look sweet! :) And thanks for your interest... I am keeping an eye out to see what becomes available nearby and guess I will enquire when I notice one in keeping with the advice on here. Or I'll come and run it by you all! We have four 'new' ex-battery rescue hens at the moment who came about a month ago and I guess I will let them feather up a bit more first, although they are already pretty good compared to previous rescues and their new feathers are coming in (they bring our total to 14 hens).
Thank you! :) I will post a pic when I have one.

One of the new girls, Gisela, is in our hospital coop recovering from a leg injury (but doing great) and the other 3 are settling in well. They’ve not got the hang of going to bed that well yet so stay out later than the rest of the flock.


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