Best chicken feeder and waterer????

Have you see those wide plastic baffles you can put over bird feeders to keep squirrels out? Maybe that would be enough to keep the majority of rain off the feed.
I saw some feeders (sadly only in the UK) that have silicone "hats" (visualize a hanging feeder wearing a pilgrim hat). I wish I could get those. For now, I transferred the feeders to the run (after reading that they'd attract rodents if they're hanging in the the obvious that I hadnt thought of...the chickens wont be eating when they're sleeping). I was also looking at the squirrel baffles, but couldnt find one wide enough that would do a decent job keeping rain off. So then I started thinking outside the box. I'm going to do some yard sale scavenging and get an old table or two that I can hang the feeders under. The chickens will enjoy climbing on the tables and the tables will shield the feeders. At least that's the idea. Time will tell...
I saw some feeders (sadly only in the UK) that have silicone "hats" (visualize a hanging feeder wearing a pilgrim hat). I wish I could get those. For now, I transferred the feeders to the run (after reading that they'd attract rodents if they're hanging in the the obvious that I hadnt thought of...the chickens wont be eating when they're sleeping). I was also looking at the squirrel baffles, but couldnt find one wide enough that would do a decent job keeping rain off. So then I started thinking outside the box. I'm going to do some yard sale scavenging and get an old table or two that I can hang the feeders under. The chickens will enjoy climbing on the tables and the tables will shield the feeders. At least that's the idea. Time will tell...
Brilliant!!!! ♡♡♡♡!!!!
I currently have an open dish for food, and a bowl for water but I would like to upgrade. and needed some new ideas for a feeder and a waterer for about 30 chickens I also have a HUGE sparrow problem :barnie(those darn things I can't seem to get rid of them )

What is your favorite feeder/waterer?
And ANY ideas and photos would be great!

Thanks 😊
I have an wire enclosed run with a roof- so no bird issues, but the feeder we use- Rent a Coop's 5 gal bucket feeder w. 2head " ports"
. Water proof & absolutely no "spillage"!
Also, keep in mind if you have mixed ages (as in chickens that aren't yet heavy enough to trigger the treadle on their own) you will need to keep it ajar in one of the training modes - otherwise they can be on there feeding with another chicken and when it steps off - bam - injured or dead chicken. When all the chickens are heavy enough on their own, go back to secure mode.
What weight would the chickens have to be to use the Grandpa's Feeder safely in secure mode? I have Silkies, who are fairly light compared to my Orpingtons.
To be sure to solve the sparrow problem, use a sparrow trap and eliminate them. I use a couple to get rid of them so my bluebirds can nest in peace.
Chicken Fountain Waterer 7 Gal. - Bear River Valley Co-op
Any waterer that looks likethis with a lid and cap I highly reccomend. The last one I had lasted me ten years. It takes getting used to,but I strongly prefer it over ones where you fill it up from the bottom. Absolutely hate it when they spill everywhere.
I hated this one for the first couple months but then I figured out how to use is and it was my friend lol if you can get past the first couple months of figuring it out this one would be perfect

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