Best egg layer?!?

Easter Eggers are not an actual breed of their own. Depends on what breed the blue-layer is crossed with.
I find that my Ancona chicken is the best bang for the buck. She lays constantly and eats very little. Big eggs too. Took her a while to get going, but once she did, wow.
I hear ya, same here! My first flock were my babies, flashy beautiful. When the neighbors dogs broke in the run and killed all but 2 of the 19, I decided to replace with producers over pretty. I still talk with them, love and care for them, but now I’m selling eggs to buy feed. It’s farm life now
Black Australorp and Dominique. I have one of each and both layed the entire winter. No artificial light. There were times I was pleading for them to take a break because collecting eggs in -5 is not fun 🤣

I’m wondering what the best egg layer breed is. We have cut our flock down a lot and the chickens we have are older, so we want to add young birds this spring!! I am looking for one that lays lots of eggs and is hardy!! Thank you for any advice!!!
My senior Easter Egger is 6 years old and still laying. She took the winter off but its midMarch and she’s given me 12 eggs already. My younger EEs are laying every day as well as my buff Orpingtons. I’m partial to the EE however.

I’m wondering what the best egg layer breed is. We have cut our flock down a lot and the chickens we have are older, so we want to add young birds this spring!! I am looking for one that lays lots of eggs and is hardy!! Thank you for any advice!!!
We have golden comets and they really do lay well.

I’m wondering what the best egg layer breed is. We have cut our flock down a lot and the chickens we have are older, so we want to add young birds this spring!! I am looking for one that lays lots of eggs and is hardy!! Thank you for any advice!!!
lf you are wanting the best layers for brown egg- ISA, Rhode Island red, Cinnamon queens
Light brown- barred rocks. Wyandottes, Orpington, amber star.
Dark Brown eggs- marans
Whlte layer- leghorn
Green layer- Easter egger/ Ameraucana.

Each breed depending on how many eggs you want weekly. would Google which breed you’re most interested in and see how manyeggs they lay per week.
l have about every breed of chickens. These are the ones that stand out the most. There are a lot of good breeds out there. These are good breeds that lay between 4-6 eggs per week.
I like having a variety of colors in my eggs. I will say that my white leghorn is probably my most consistent layer, but I couldn't imagine only having leghorns. My eggs would look so boring 🤷‍♂️

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