Best indoor chicken breed

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Because I will live in a townhouse.
I used to have a house polish. She had a special section of my room, blocked off, with towels on the floor. Every couple of days I would wash the towels and sweep up the feathers. She spent a lot of time with me, and I even made her some diapers to wear around the house. I tried taking her outside but she never liked it. She lived with her brother and when he left (due to crowing) she stayed in a larger area with some chicks.
Again, letting your chicken live outside doesn't mean it can't be your pet, and in the long run it will benefit both you and your chickens
We were bringing in groceries & Flossie(leghorn) came in thru the open door for a short visit 😆 also We were missing a hen last night sis called me from work at 7am our RIR was in her car! Went to work with her & even laid an egg in car! 😆 sis brought her home on her break! I 💘! My silly chickens!View attachment 3384559
That is hilarious!!!! A chicken in the car, unknown about? thats rich!
I dont have an outside!
You can’t get certain animals if you don’t have the proper means to care for them. After all, you wouldn’t get a fish if you didn’t have a fish tank, right? This is the same situation. Please do not make the chicken live like that. That’s stupid, selfish, and immature. Don’t sacrifice an animal’s wellbeing because it’ll make you happy.
You can’t get certain animals if you don’t have the proper means to care for them. After all, you wouldn’t get a fish if you didn’t have a fish tank, right? This is the same situation. Don’t make the chicken live like that. That’s stupid, selfish, and immature. Don’t sacrifice an animal’s wellbeing because it’ll make you happy.
*edited because i wasn’t done typing
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