Best Online Hatcheries? (MyPetChicken?)


9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
I'm getting baby chicks soon
and I was wondering what the best online hatchery is?

(I'm only getting Pullets, so places that can separate the Pullets from Roosters)

Thanks so much!
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Thanks 4 all the other places you've mentioned, looking into to those too

So top best (by all you) are -

1. Cackle

2. Meyer

3. MyPetChicken

4. chickensforbackyards

My family and I are looking into these hatcheries VERY closely! Thanks for all your help. The hatchery I'm leaning towards most is Meyer Hatchery, their farm looks really nice and clean.
i ordered from as a 1st time mommy... they were ok, i added more chicks to the order and doing so caused them to "misplace" the order. after some phone tag they bent over backwards to get me my chicks!!! i had 2 not make the trip and one passed over the weekend and they are sending replacements!!! i was shocked!!! for all the ads ive seen for them i was very surprised to see how disorganized they were but i got my chicks and i should get the replacements tomorrow!!! every one is healthy and trying to fly out of the brooder (at 2 weeks old)!!!! good luck w/ yours!!!!
I have ordered from McMurray I will not use them again I was not impressed with their chickens at all. We lost a LOT of birds from this order out of 25 ordered we lost 8. I know people do have good luck with them but I just wouldn't do it again.

I have received chickens, ducks, geese, and guineas through Ideal. That is what my local Atwoods store uses. I have had awesome luck with their critters. But, when I went to order they were pretty much out of everything that I wanted.

I ordered from Cackle and for me so far they have been the absolute best. Their birds were just awesome and gorgeous. Customer service was top rate. They were out of a couple of things that I wanted at that time but I dont really fault them for it because these were rarer breeds that I know dont lay a lot. I ordered a lot of bantams and did have a couple die but they had included extras already because the bantams tend to be a little more delicate. I will definitely use them again. Oh Cackle's catalog is just awesome I got a copy of it yesterday.
Thank you so much for your answers, I have bookmarked all the places you have mentioned well about. Thanks!

I was wondering, how do you like MyPetChicken? I was looking into it and it seems nice. ALL answers are much appreciated! For us Chicken lovers, knowing that our chickens come from a good place means the world to us! Thanks!
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I don't remember much about it, but... 5 years ago we ordered chicks from Welp. I cannot remember if that was a physical catalog or an online one
But you could check it out.
I just know that they actually gave us more chicks than we paid for as extras.
I have ordered quite a variety of ITEMS from MPC, but never live poultry. Just supplies and gift things and whatnot. Customer service is wonderful.

MPC also has no chickens of its own; that is to say, MyPetChicken gets its live stock (and eggs) from other hatcheries and sources. Nothing wrong with that at all - just know that it is NOT a hatchery.

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