Best Photo Yet of Ever-Bolder Fox

He's just lean and mean. He's shed his winter coat, thats probably why he appears to be scrawny. He's actually pretty lean and buff. Look at all those muscles showing. If you could keep him out of your birds, wait til late fall/winter when his coat returns, then "find him in the chickens"
. That coat could be worth a years feed. Or more.

That's brilliant!
I know this is true in Maine you can shot anything on your own land if you are protecting live stock. No permit needed.
He's just lean and mean. He's shed his winter coat, thats probably why he appears to be scrawny. He's actually pretty lean and buff. Look at all those muscles showing. If you could keep him out of your birds, wait til late fall/winter when his coat returns, then "find him in the chickens"
. That coat could be worth a years feed. Or more.

Well, I certainly never would have thought of that! Here's what he looked like back at the tail-end of winter, when we were surprised to catch him on film just on the *other* side of our property (the second image is just one I enlarged from the gamecam):



We got the call from the G&F rep this morning--after hearing our story, he said he doesn't even have to come out here, and told Alex that he would put our permit in the mail today, and that he could go ahead...his words were, "You're a hunter; you know what you have to do."

So I think my husband plans to set up his climbing stand somewhere with a clean view of the area the fox keeps coming back to, and sit there all night with his .22 tonight!
Definately great winter photos.
I thought the same about the very first photo, he seemed so tall and thin I'd never seen a fox like that, but I suppose it make sense for time of year, etc.
Good luck and hope he doesn't get any of your birds.
I can't claim any credit for the photos; Alex just knew where to place the camera, and anytime something moves in front of its sensor, it triggers the shutter 3 times in a row.

The red foxes really are pretty leggy--but usually when you see them they're in "skulk" mode, hugging the ground!

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