Biden - Palin Debate, Anyone watch it?

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Although I am a registered Republican, I consider myself a conservative more than I do a Republican because there are those in the party who I do not agree with any more.

Since their really is not a true conservative on the ticket, I was very worried about this election until Sara Palin became the Vice-President Elect.

I watched her acceptance speach and liked what she had to say then and I still like what she had to say last night.

Although Palin is not the polished Washington Elite speaker like McCain, Biden, and Obama, I admire what she has done in Alaska to help her people in her state.

Even though Sarah Palin's political history does not go any further than the state of Alaska, she has proven to me that she is looking out for the people and she speaks the language of the people she represents or will represent like "Six-Pack Joe" and "Hockey Mom" and "ME".

She spoke to me and I like what she had to say!
If Palin had participated in a group that once practiced witchcraft I would be more inclined to trust her!! She encouraged a group that PERSECUTED people they decided were witches...... are you at all familiar with the Salem witch trials? Any group that can encourage killing old women on an accusation of witchcraft is not OK in my book. (Yes, I did fact check this one - the documentation is there - she embraced this man and his group DID encourage a group of villagers to stone a woman to death for bringing bad luck to the village.)

I don't care what people's faith is - you can kneel in church or dance naked under the moonlight I don't give a

The people can choose to vote on faith if they want - when you start persecuting other people based on what they believe you have crossed a serious line.

I vote for the "there MUST be somebody better out there" line. But, if there is one they don't want the job! Who would?
that is completely false. The group she met with was done to honor her of being the governor. She attended being nice. No different than someone who is baptist as I am and attending a catholic church, mormon, or any other believe out of being nice. Again I will support someone who attended a church ONCE and was blessed by a witchdoctor before supporting a candidate who is running who attended a church for 20 years that preaches hate for the country, and hate against white people of which I am.
The bottom line for me is whether or not politicians will stick to the constitution. I trust the latter, not the former.

I don't share some of Palin's views, but I'm gratified that she put her state's constitution ahead of her personal views when they conflicted.

Both Obama and Biden have done just the opposite. They have both repeatedly attempted to circumvent the constitution when they didn't agree with it, most obviously with respect to second amendment issues.
I won't deny that I'm a registered Democrat, but have voted Republican in the past because I felt that person was the better candidate. I try to keep an open mind, or at least I think so. I was thinking of voting for McCain but when Palin was chosen, I doubted McCain's ability to make a good decision, however I gave Palin a chance. I figured she'd come out better last night than she has in the past, and she did, however I still didn't move my vote towards them at all. She spoke alot, but in my opinion never REALLY said anything.

Biden had to be careful to not put her down and he did a good job at that. He maybe had been even a little soft in the beginning. But came back and answered the questions in detail. I also like to refer to the "Fact check" that comes out later, and sure enough, Palin made many more false claims against the Obama/Biden ticket than Biden did of McCain/Palin.
Bottom line, I just felt that she made too many mistakes, too many open ended statements, and too many times went back to the only thing she can make claim on ( not to deny it's a good claim ) and that was her energy plan.
Biden answered the questions with detail, proved his knowledge on a broad spectrum of things, and made me comfortable that he will work well with the President and for the people.

Also, I don't think the Biden smile was fake, maybe a bit more like "what the heck is she saying?!", but everyone's entitled to thier opinions, and one of my opinions was that that Palin at times appeared to be shaking with anger or frustration and then the camera was taken off of her???? Hmm unsteady maybe?

My final note,
This is one Hockey Mom that won't be voting for her or McCain.
I did not watch the debate - too busy planning my new barn. But I'm with Bishopschickens. The whole anti American/anti white preacher really resonated poorly with me. As far as I'm concerned, neither Presidential candidate is perfect, but given the state of our country, and the world (cause yes the financial crisis is global) I'm with the more experienced candidate - plus I respect the heck out of McCain.
The Canadian debate was on at exactly the same time, the rats
, and I didn't stay up to watch all of either of them, but flipping back and forth, I have to say, WHAT a contrast.

The VP debate was just little bits of incoherency linking together large paragraphs of memorized, rehearsed stuff (not just the words but the expressions and body language) that had been loaded into both of 'em like you'd load some new tunes into your iPod.

The Canadian leadership debate, involving *4* parties (ok, so the Green Party has only a single member actually in office right now, but still) and the candidates, all four of them, even the Green Party woman, were all ARTICULATE and having ACTUAL DIALOG with each other. Not like a coupla iPods pointed at each other taking turns, but actually responding to each other in a sensible conversational fashion. Harper, who presumably will win another (probably minority) gov't, is still the most American-style "rehearsed" seeming, but even he would come off as the soul of spontaneity and naturalness in an American debate.

Mind you, there is not really a much better choice than Americans are being offered -- what Buff Hooligans says could apply just as well IMO to the Canadian election, let's just start over and surely we can find SOMEone better than these schmoes to choose among -- but at least you could tell what the dudes were REALLY talkin' about and how they compared with each other and (possibly most important, to me) how sensible they seemed to be.

There are certainly some odd aspects of Canadian national elections but man oh man are the debates a world better

McCain and Palin for me. I am a conservative like someone else mentioned here rather than a party pusher. I have voted for Democrats in the past and one local representative will get my vote this year because she is a hard worker.

I tend to feel any government, inculding ours, runs very poorly when it is dominated by any one party. A mix seems to work best. I don't have TV so I am greatful I have missed the negative political ads but I do wish that only issues can be discussed and what the EXACT plans a candidate has to fix or move ahead and not just say 'change'.

Plus, I dislike the media circus surrounding Obama. Anytime the media is that rabid for anything I know there is a problem.

I like regular Janes and Joes, they serve better over all as politicians than the majority who are lawyers.
I respect McCain. He is a man of honor, loves his country. I do not respect Obama. He is not a man of honor, knows NOTHING about the military. I totally trust McCain with this great Nation. I don't trust Barrack Hussein Obama.

McCain = Respect, Honor, Patriot, Trustworthy

Amen to that! I like Palen... but, I don't think it's true that it's safe to drill, drill, drill. I think that's just a temporary solution, and I think we need to be working like crazy to find an alternative fuel source or sources that actually work. I like McCain's experience but not sure he's on the right path. I like Obama's view on conservation but don't like his inexperience or some of his views.on other things. I had to laugh at an email someone sent me recently, which read "how bad would it be to spend the next four years with no president????" I'm thinking of having a tee shirt made....
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