Big Announcement: BYC & Mark Zuckerberg / Facebook Partnership - BeakBook - April fool's 2013

Do what you want,but I think you've done very well on your own without mark's interaction. I don'tit's a good idea to get him involved. But I'll support you whatever you choose. I love your website & don't understand why that's not good enough.
Do what you want,but I think you've done very well on your own without mark's interaction. I don'tit's a good idea to get him involved. But I'll support you whatever you choose. I love your website & don't understand why that's not good enough.
See!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Members that have never posted are even wondering why the change!!

We've had enough changes the past couple of years. heck I still can't even find my member page! Ohhhhhh and will the DIY pages be charged for after this? Let's see.....YUP! Know why? Because no BYC and having this site on FB just like everyone else will help him reel everyone in!! Some of us have sent many many many members here and then it's gonna be all sent to FB and not everyone likes it. Good for him, bad for you.
Ya know, if you aren't friends with someone on FB, you have to pay a buck to pm them. A buck! Are you kidding me???? I can pm anyone on here!!!

Rob! I know he's famous and rich and has some clout, but just cause he can process his own food, doesn't mean he's good for BYC! He'll take over and BYC will be gone forever.

Maybe a better name for it would be ..........PLUCKED! Cause his buck a pm will be pulling money out of pockets. Imagine how much he'd make with just one person selling eggs and not friends with other members. I sure won't be buying anything.

BYC has done great without it. I know personally what partnering can do to a company... and a good company I knew of is gone because of it. FYI
BYC has never been about profit. It's a fun place and FB is becoming a money in pocket site. As soon as all the little guys get gobbled up, they'll be kicked to the curb and then no one will have a place to learn about how awesome our lives are with out birds and how much they are truely worth to everyone now and in the future.

I'm so stressed out about this I can't even sleep. I just want to
.I d see.good and bad issues, but I'm sure since everyone.working on this project are chicken enthusiast then they will try to keep everyone's needs in mind. I honestly am not on BYC as much as I use to be after the last change...still don't understand how to use some of the features. ....don't like some of the changes, but its a good community.
I personally would call it FeatherBook
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THIS IS HUGE!!! I am so very excited for you and your family. I see your and Mark's vision, totally believe in it and support it 100%.

I like Facebawk a little better than beakbook, but I am sure any name will do. I myself have been sharing my new found love if chicjen keeping by organizing local meetups and finding old timers as guest speakers fot different topics. Maybe consider doing something similiar to or having BYC chapters, etc. You could also start a MLM company that offers the products through consultants (independent distributors) who do workshops with a residual income structure. I have 19 years experience as a top leader in 4 different mlm direct sales companies. My mentor has 48 years in Tuppwerware. We are happy to encourage you in this direction. Please let us know if we can help in any way. I believe sky is the limit for your concept.

Xoxo Annmarie
Honestly... I think jumping the gun and going silly over this is, well, silly.
BYC is growing more every day and it is only natural for it to continue with growth of the site. Sometimes people are looking for certain breeds, it would be nice to have a virtual listing of farms for that breed. The possibilities would be endless.
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There is absolutely NO way that a BYC/Facebook mashup would be able to maintain the "cordial and friendly tone" that the BYC mods enforce here. One of the things I like about BYC is that it's NOT facebook!! That you can actually FIND information, that BYC does not decide what threads I see and what threads I don't see - while facebook decides what's important enough to show up on my news feed and what isn't (SO annoying!). BYC is an incredible resource, making it more like facebook will ruin that completely. BYC doesn't need facebook to grow, it has grown enough organically and will continue to do so with the ever increasing popularity of the backyard chicken. Don't be waylaid by dollar signs guys, once you partner with a force like facebook, your autonomy and decision making ability as a company will cease to exist, and so will BYC as we know it...

Please, say it ain't SO!!
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