Big Bang Theory!

Rules of Engagement has been running as long at Big Bang Theory, I think.
DH thinks they moved it to avoid competition with football, but thinks it won't stay at 8pm due to content. I love it being on Thursday and hope it stays Thursdays!

I wouldn't've picked Shatner for "Splort My Dad Says", and wasn't terribly impressed. But I thought they did a pretty good Abbott & Costello -style routine towards the end and I was laughing. I'll watch it again...
Love this show! I have to sing the opening song when it comes on. Strangely, I feel I could really get along with Sheldon. I, on the other hand, would probably drive him nuts!
I have loved the show since the first episode. I "met" those guys when I was in college. The characterizations are spot on. I really like that the science jokes are told in such a way that people who have not taken physics can at least get the gist of the joke and us science geeks can have a good laugh.

My DH tolerates the show but enjoys the fact that I enjoy it. He's nice that way.

Unfortunately, I only listened to it tonight. I was draining the fluid out of my internally laying buff orpington.

Shatner's new series has promise. Unfortunately, living up to that promise will take some work.
I've been joking with some friends on facebook about how many Sheldon's & Leonard's we've known over the years. Some from high school, some from college. The only stereotypical geek they're missing is the one that looks like a big, hairy bull-in-china-shop kind of guy who can keep up with the other nerds intellectually while looking like he belongs on a football team.

Hope you hen feels better, Boo!
Actually R of E has been on and off, CBS has used it as a midseason replacement--originally it came on in Feb 2007 when they move the New Adventures of Old Christine to Wed. night, then for Worst Week and last year for Accidently on Purpose . In fact I think the only other time it started a season was the year that it was cut short because of the writers' strike.

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