BIG NEWS: Official Book Of BYC - Raising Chickens For Dummies

Congrats! How wonderful! I can't wait to get my very own copy!
Hopefully once peeps read the book (libraries, buying it, etc.) they will give it 5 star reviews on Amazon... that should really help a LOT!

What would be the coolest is video reviews on Amazon from peeps with their chickens in the video!!!
Hi Everyone

This is Kim Willis the co- author of the book Dummies Guide to Raising Chickens. I am a member of BYC. You may have seen some of my few posts under the name Gardening Granny. I haven't been able to answer a lot of questions myself because I have been busy writing this great book, but believe me I have spent a lot of time looking through your posts, getting a feel for what new chicken owners want to know.

This is an amazing site and everytime I get on it I spend way more time than I really have reading through it. I hope you like the book Rob and I put together. Its got all the most current information on raising chickens and it's easy for everyone to understand. Even you old time chicken raisers may find some new information.

The facts in the book were checked by a poultry expert from Michigan State University so you can be sure the information is reliable. We did have to leave out a couple of chapters I really wanted to leave in because of the sheer size of the book, but there's still a lot of good stuff left.

If you are in Michigan and can get to the Eastern Michigan Fair in Imlay City Michigan Aug 4-8 I'll be happy to autograph a book for you. I'll have some copies to sell also. I'll be in the Master Gardener building from noon to at least 6pm. You will have to pay to get in the fair, but it's a great fair with lots to see and do including a large poultry exhibit.

Give me a shout if you have any questions. I answer home owner questions about gardening, chickens and a number of other things at my day job with MSU Extension so I'm used to answering all kinds of questions. I have raised chickens for over 30 years and exhibited poultry for a while, ( but not any longer).

Hey- you guys are great- this is a wonderful and welcoming site that's very helpful. I have referred people here a number of times.

Kim Willis (also known as Gardening Granny)
Clearly I need that book... I looked at the cover and it said "Rob" was the owner of BYC. No, I thought. Nifty is the owner of BYC... ohhhhh.... okay, so he probably doesn't go by Nifty in day to day life....

Hey Kim! I know your sister on another board who just recommended this book to me today! What a small world this can be at times!

Congrats to you both, that's quite an accpomplishment!!

So glad you posted into this thread!

Oh, and for everybody about to take Kim up on her invitation to answer your questions... DON'T PM HER!!! I've already told her (like I tell all the BYC staff) to encourage people to post their questions on the forum so everyone can learn together.
Gosh - I wonder which of my sisters was posting on a chicken board. I thought they all thought I was crazy! But they still love me even though I'm over run with animals. Maybe I am rubbing off on them.

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