Big Wake-Up Call Regarding Water


Mar 10, 2018
Central Indiana
I live in a residential area. They are working on replacing a fire hydrant 2 houses down and must have hit a water main. My street is like a river, seriously!

I said that to say this. They have now turned off the water and not sure when they'll get it turned back on! THANKFULLY, I have back-up water stored in jugs for emergency purposes! But what I thought about is possibly those of you that live in areas that this can happen to and catch you without water for yourselves and for chickeny needs. You gotta have water for them.

I guess on the flip-side, I now have an excuse to not do my laundry and washing my dishes, mopping etc... :wee

Please get yourselves some backup water to store for such things. If this were summer time......
great subject.jpg :goodpost:
As a resident smack dab in the center of Hurricane Alley, we are always prepared with contingency plans.
More people should prepare for the unforeseen. Unfortunately most live in the now and take things for granted.
Good subject. I applaud you for taking the initiative to bringing this subject to open forum.

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