

11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
palestine texas
Just curious, anybody have a Sasquatch story?
My oldest brother was allways late for school (kindergarden)when we lived in Alaska...Guess he was allways stopping and playing at sled hill anyway he told everyone he was playing with bigfoot...
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I have never seen anything myself but watching Monster Quest and those type shows, it seems come credible people are seeing something.( cops, preachers,Drs...)
I saw bigfoot when I was hiking on the Kettle Crest trail in NE WA. He was a nice and shy type of fellow, kind of kept to him self. You really had to watch him at base camp, he loved to drink Henrys, kind of a lush if you ask me. He would drink all your beer, then wander of into the woods to be alone. Come to think of it, I never really saw hime except when I was drinking.
Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Wood ape, whatever you call him, hes out there, and hes watching us. Ever see Harry and the Hendersons?? i like to think thats how he is in real life.
I believe my brother-in-law is Sasquatch. He's rarely sighted, especially if there's work to be done, he's reclusive spending most of his time in his lair playing video games, he's slovenly and hairy and has that wild animal stench most of the time. If you do actually get him on film, you have to stop and say to yourself, "What the h*ll is that thing?"

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