BIL is trying to ruin things for us again....sorry so long.....

The inlaws haven't bothered us since Friday.

A couple of opportunities have come up, we're just weighing our options right now.

The BIL cannot force us off, because he is no where on the deed. FIL isn't anywhere on the deed right now either, and if he isn't willing to put it into probate, his name will never be on the deed.

DH is on the deed. Legally, we can stay here and continue on as long as we like, so we are going about our business as usual. We've mad a couple decisions, just can't jump the gun or we'll shoot ourselves in the foot.

Emzyyy, We have filed for a no contact and a restraining order against BIL.
I feel terrible for you and your husband that you have to go through this. I will say prayers for you and yours. It blows my mind when family picks fights with family. I just don't get how blood can turn on blood. I guess I lucked out, my family all like one another. Sure there are a few buttheads, but we love even the buttheads. It used to blow my mind the lack of family bonding in my ex's family. I always tried to make sure that my girls knew relatives in both our families, even when his family didn't make much of an effort. But your brother in law, he's a real piece of work! I know one day he will get his own. I just pray that for your sake, it's sooner rather than later. And as for giving out your phone number? You can do one of two things: Tell ALL bill collectors EXACTLY where to find your BIL, and second, change your number to a private number, and don't give it to your FIL or anyone in your husband's family. Harsh, but it sounds like you need to cut them off. As for the land? I don't know anything about deeds and owner rights, but being me, and the stubborn person that I can be, I would hold out and not let them win. I'm mean like that though. I'll be darned if I would let someone chase me out of my own home. I think that eventually your BIL will give up and hopefully move away. Well, I can PRAY that he does, for your sanity, and your husband's! I send good thoughts your way, and I hope it all works out for you.
Ali... I'm so sorry you guys are going through this!
Family can be so hurtful sometimes! My DH's family has done some crappy stuff to us, although, not nearly as bad as what you're going through. I sure hope things work out ok for you guys. No one deserves to be treated the way that you're being treated. My heart breaks for you for the pain and frustration you're going through.

On a side note... DH finally consented to me having turkeys! So sometime when we can get together, I'm up for a turkey/guinea egg swap!

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