Biodegradable bedding?


7 Years
Jul 2, 2012
I have been using hay in my coop and my chickens don't seem to mind it, it's also free from the feed store, but does anyone know of any biodegradable options that work great as bedding but would be good for my soil? The dirty hay from the coop just gets kind of gross to have to take out and throw away and I feel it'd be better to just get something I can clean out and put in my compost heap.
I got a bag of corn cob pellet bedding once that I thought was wonderful. I used it in my brooder and it absorbed odors beautifully. It also absorbed and dried out liquidy poops but at its own expense - the pellets broke down. When that brooder was empty of chicks, I scooped out the bedding and left it for awhile. After only about 3 months, I had the most beautiful compost - you couldn't see a single pellet or piece of poop - it was just wonderful humus ready to go on my garden.
I use pine shavings such as you can buy at the feed store. Absorb moisture and control odor, break down just fine in the compost.


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