Bird got the boot last night.....

yea, i can see his giving Bird the boot sure, i would have too, if he was coming at me. But not so hard as to put him 20 ft backwards. It was waaaayyy to hard.

um, it's not just the silent treatment. (The only reason I dont want to talk is because I am still so mad I dont want to say somthing I will regret.) I have not cooked (he cant cook either.), not so much as lifted a finger to the laundry, not swept the floor, mowed the grass, didely squat. I am not doing it to hurt him back at all. just to steamed yet to say or do anything with a clear head. I dont want to say or do something I will regret later.

CB - yes, if BIrd was going after the neighbor child, i would be the first one there to defend that boy. I would do what I had to to protect that child. Including if I had to kill the animal. (yes, I am a hunter as well) BUT i would not do it just to take out my agression on the animal just because it's the closest thing to him. As I said, i did not see Bird do anything except raise his feathers to him. He did not spur him, not even lift a wing to him.

Juan, I think I am enjoying the silent treatment more than him!!!!! It's so peaceful....
Anger issues yep no doubt red flags full mast. Just because DH was angry with you he had no right to kick the bird. You can be angry with me, but don't yell at me be intelligent & use your words that is why you bought the books & went to school !
Your bird looks very much like my General. General used to be a nice bird. Then he grew up and is not so nice. Both I and Dh have ended up giving General the boot as he has attacked on several occasions. Would love to put him in freezer camp, but my son love him. Heck even his own sons hate him. I
Zeus and Hades as they alway keep as&^%& (I mean General) away from me.
I had a rooster, Creed Jr. that attacked and hurt a hen of mine and then turned on me. I was amazed that a chicken could take a kickin' like I gave him and keep on tickin'. The next morning I found my hen dead and Creed Jr. got a bullet in the head. Eight hours in the crock pot and I got the sweetest revenge. I will not tolerate a mean rooster.
Im sorry, but I also think you need help.... My opinion...

I disagree with your opinion. Politely. If I am being attacked by a rooster, ANY rooster, I will kick, hit, swat, slap, shoot, whatever it takes to get it to STOP. If that makes me heartless too, then I will be heartless but still have eyes to see because attacking roosters can and have attacked people in the face to the point that they lose their eyesight. So if an angry dog attacked you what would you do? Gently ask it to stop as it is gashing your legs open?

In this instance, however, Bird was not really attacking, simply "intimidating" the OP's husband. The kick was not warranted to the degree it was given....My opinion...
Bottom line - the rooster attacked no one. I have no problem dispatching any animal of any species. Abuse is what I personally have problems with., and yes, I realize that what is perceived as abuse by one person might not be abuse to another.
I am sorry, I didnt mean to make a huge debate about this. I just wanted to know what to expect with Bird after he got kicked. Just wanted to make sure I knew what to look for if there were issues with him internally. It's great to see this become a discussion, but I dont want anyone to argue over this.

um, I still have not talked to him......
A.T. Hagan :

The dispute between you and your husband aside at my place I do not tolerate aggressive roosters. If one acts like he's going to jump me he's going to get a Redwing suborbital boost. It's a chicken not a child stepping in between quarreling parents.

Your husband should apologize for mashing your plant.

I'm for the "suborbital boost" myself for any aggressive toward human rooster. I use to have problem roosters when I started. I hatch my own eggs for the last couple decades and haven't had any problem roosters for years since "they" are no longer contributing to the gene pool of my flock. I only bring in pullets to add to the gene pool and carefully cull the incubated roos to camp kenmore, selecting only the ones I want for my flock genetics purposes of mutts.​

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