Bird Unwell After Attempted Dog Attack


In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2016
Saturday evening we came home to birds out of the pasture - something was wrong. I ran over and found feathers everywhere. I was sure birds were dead. A parishioner from the church next door came over to tell us he'd chased off a dog who had managed to get into our fence and chase some birds out and around for a good while. The dog is familiar to us as a local nuisance and chicken-killer. Our missing birds who we'd thought deceased wandered back from their hiding places by sundown, and we were grateful and hopeful that everything was alright, with no complications Sunday. Tonight, Monday, our EE Tori was in the coop hours earlier than normal. She isn't walking or really standing, had an empty crop, and generally seems unwell. She was one of those who got chased out of the fence. No obvious signs of injury besides a little bloody scrape on her comb, but when we put her back in the pasture that night she looked "wrung-necked" - the feathers around her neck were all pushed around. We think that she did what the chickens often do when they freak out about being out of the fence - run directly between the 2 inch spaced metal - until she hurt herself, maybe? She's isolated and has since eaten and pooped a normal poop, but still isn't standing. Her foot grip is strong, though. I gave her some vitamins with a syringe. Is there anything we should do our look out for?
I would separate her to give her space from the flock. I would also put save--a-chick packets in her water, and make sure that scrape is clean. If you haven't done it already, inspecting her legs/body for any possible injuries would be good too. I hope this helps!
Thanks. I've taken care of her in the ways you suggested. She made it through the night, but is much the same this morning. I guess it's more wait and see.
Is she able to sit up like she would in a nest box? Or she laying on her side?

Sometimes muscle trauma will make a chicken unable to stand. Time and good nursing care can do wonders for these types of injuries. However if a chicken was slung about and suffered spinal trauma your hen may never walk.

Get your hands on this bird and carefully examine her for wounds, bruising, and flesh that feels soft and mushy. Look for obvious fractures in the legs. If there are no open wounds your patient may enjoy a warm soaking bath to help sooth her muscles. Be sure to dry her afterwards.

If you are reluctant to take her to a vet (they can do radiographs, pain meds and antibiotics) you can keep her warm and comfy accompanied with good nursing care. If she does not show improvement in a week you'll have to make that dreaded decision we all don't want to make.

Good luck. I hope she recovers.

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