Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's Chicken Chat Thread! (ORIGINAL)

(the  rest of the flock went to the coop, Feathery is taking them there ;) )  Feathery: ok, we have to hurry! follow me we will take the bus.

Harriet:*runs to sidewalk* BUSSSSS!WERE ARE YOU BUS?!WE NEED YOU BUSSSSSS! will have to excuse her.

Cinder:Harriet!you can not call the bus.
Harriet:*runs to sidewalk* BUSSSSS!WERE ARE YOU BUS?!WE NEED YOU BUSSSSSS! will have to excuse her.

Cinder:Harriet!you can not call the bus.
Feathery: look there is one coming! Did you set your bags in your rooms? there is a Really nice Welsummer roo that takes your bags up to your room for you
Feathery: look there is one coming! Did you set your bags in your rooms? there is a Really nice Welsummer roo that takes your bags up to your room for you :love

Raven:yes, but Harriet packed half her bag in her other bag and her triple other bag for her double bag so she could bring it to her other First bag.sigh.and so she could show her stuff to the other chickens.


Rest follow

Cinder:eek:h Harriet,..
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Athena: okokok are we in time???
Persephone: i do hope we are not late!
Cat: girls, if you would look they are just getting started!
Mayzee: hello everyone!
Luna: Hola amigos!
Tiny: hello.....who's ready to start the party!?!?
Athena: i brought goodie bags!
Cat: I brought peanut butter cookies!
Persephone: i brought apple salad! don't worry, there are NO apple seeds :)
Mayzee: oh dear me....are we supposed to bring something???
Luna: oh sister dear, do not fret! we brought candles! don't you remember?
Tiny: i want ti hand out the candles! they are ocean breeze...ooh la la
Athena: i brought goodie bags!
Cat: I brought peanut butter cookies!
Persephone: i brought apple salad! don't worry, there are NO apple seeds :)
Mayzee: oh dear me....are we supposed to bring something???
Luna: oh sister dear, do not fret! we brought candles! don't you remember?
Tiny: i want ti hand out the candles! they are ocean breeze...ooh la la
Sunshine: nice! Feathery told be to bring the Tomato lamp :) i don't know what for though,
Tweeter: earlybird's flock isn't here!

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