Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's Chicken Chat Thread! (ORIGINAL)

Daylily: But Freesia, you know....
Freesia: I can if I want to. You're not....
Daylily: You can't possibly understand...
Freesia: Of course I do, I ...
Daylily: You don't know everything I do! Of course you think....
Freesia: I know everything I need to.
Marianne: What....?
Sophia: Oh, Freesia's been getting into trouble with the humans. She's been getting on the porch, to try and get in the house.
Elanor: And naturally, Daylily doesn't want her to. But I think Freesia's going to win. It's her risk, anyhow.
Colonel: No, Day knows something Freesia doesn't. She'll tell her in a minute.
Marianne: That still doesn't explain why they know exactly what the other's talking about.
Sophia: They're twins. They share everything--a favorite nestbox, a roost, a favorite dustbath. What can you expect?
Marianne: But they're so different!!
Streamflow Cooopschooling Co-op--Late Summer Newsletter

Where your chooks get the education you choose for them

Dear Students,
Are you ready for another phenomenal year at Streamflow? Co-op starts at 8:00 AM on Tuesday, September 1st, so be ready!

School Supplies
Each class has a very specific set of school supplies. You can find the lists for each level and class at or order a customizable package online at If you order packages online, you need one full package for each full time student, with the correct elective boxes and levels checked. (Backpack and lunchboxes are optional) If you have a part time student (1-6 classes), you will need to order 1 basic package per part time student and check each box beside the classes they are taking to put together a school supplies package.
We have had trouble with students running out of pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, ect. about semester, so we have doubled the amount of these in all school supply packages to ensure you will no longer run out, but students should keep necessary school supplies on hand and make sure they are prepared for each co-op.

This year, we have added a bus garage, which is off-limits to students after loading and unloading buses. Please stay well clear of the garage doors at all times. Students are only to exit and enter through the doors connecting the garage to the school, located in A-wing and in B-wing. B-wing doors are for chick academy students only, so those in older levels must use the A-wing doors. While unloading buses, please give chicks priority getting off the bus and make sure they have room to access the B-wing doors. If you see a chick academy student try to access A-wing doors, redirect them to the B-wing. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
We currently have eight Bus routes, with few changes from last year. (Your bus schedule will be mailed about a week before school begins) We have given them names along with numbers for easy identification for younger students. The names and numbers are: Barred rock #45, Rhode Island #46, Orpington #47, Silkie #48, Marans # 49, Amerucana #50, Favorelles # 51, Wyandotte #52, and Brahma #53. The first 3-5 rows in each bus have been reserved for Chick Academy students, so that they can exit the buses and enter B-wing safely and quickly. The number of seats reserved is based on the number of chick academy students riding the bus, so under no circumstances should older chickens sit there. The number will be adjusted as needed due to space issues. The seats will be clearly marked, and all chick academy students will be expected to sit there on all bus rides, both to and from the school. Chick academy students must be allowed to enter and exit the bus first. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
We also have some new bus rules for all students. Students must sit no more than three to one seat. Students may not stick any heads, limbs, or other objects out the window. Students must allow other students to sit beside them if there are no empty seats. No music may be played on the bus that can be heard by others; headphones/earbuds are required.

We would like to remind all students that you can only be on campus during school hours, during make-up tutoring sessions, and during sports practices. Remember, respect our tenants by staying off campus except when you are here for school!
This year's schedule
M T W Th F Sa S
8 Am-12 PM
Rental School Rental Make-up session Rental Rental Rental
12 PM- 4PM
Rental School Rental Make-up session Rental Rental Rental
4 PM-8 PM
Rental Sports Rental Sports Sports Rental Rental

This year, school is each Tuesday from 8-4, make up sessions are Thursdays from 8-4, and sports are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings, depending on the sport.
All full-time students are required to stay on campus all day during the school day. Part-time students must remain on campus during their classes, and may only leave campus once their schedule is complete. This time will be marked on their schedule.

Every chicken must be in a classroom when the bell rings. If a student must leave, they should take a hall pass. Excessive tardies (Three or more) with no excuse will result in attending a make-up session this year. This applies to both part-time and full-time students. Remember, students must log into the online system as absent in order to be excused for that day, and they should attend the next make-up session they can. One make-up session is required for each missed day.

School uniforms should be worn every day at school and at every make-up session. Sports uniforms must be worn at sports practice.
Remember, you have two uniforms--cotton/short sleeved and woolen/long sleeved. Wear weather appropriate clothing such as boots when it is snowing or raining. Please wear a chicken diaper at all times.

We are now using a computerized lunch order system to more quickly provide lunches. We have 20 ordering terminals in the lunchroom. When you get to one, scan your ID card and then place your order. A lunch ticket will be printed with the window your lunch will be at, and your order number. There are TV screens above each lunch window. When your lunch number flashes above the window printed on your lunch ticket,go to the window, scan your ticket, and collect your lunch. Only hens older than 6 months may have layer feed, layer butter or oyster shells, or milk with their lunch, and only chicks 2 months or younger may have medicated feed. Non-medicated starter feed, grower feed, scratch, grit, fruits and vegetables, and berry juice is available to everyone.

Technology and website
Students must have a portable device with a physical keyboard they can bring to school and home. They may use their own and register it with streamflow, or they may check one out. Your school email address is [email protected]. You can use this to log into the school website, which will then connect you to all online classes and services we use. Remember, when using chat rooms and e-mailing, don't say anything you wouldn't at school!

I hope everyone is ready to start a phenomenal year at streamflow!
Streamflow Staff.
Marianne: Nooo! Not the late summer newsletter already! It can't be late July.....
Elanor: Oh, calm down.
Freesia: Says she who likes school!
Daylily: Oh, keep an open mind, Freesia. Maybe you'll enjoy Pullet level!
Freesia: No chance.
Sophia: Oh, it's not that bad, Free. I like the sound of the new lunch system, though.
Colonel: I'm glad they're putting in a bus garage! They used to drop us off in the playground, which was icy!
Sophia: Those names are so cheesy!
Marianne: *Glares* Those Names are so cute!! Elanor, remind me which bus we're on...?
Elanor: Favorelles, #51. Unless they did some re-routing, which could put us on either Amerucana or Wyandotte.
Freesia: I am sitting next to DAYLILY on the bus this year. Not anyone else.
Daylily: Bus buddies! Yeah!
Elanor: Than I'll sit next to Marianne in front of you, and Sophie will sit behind you with Colonel.
Marianne: And no sitting in the five back rows, either.
Elanor: In fact, we should keep to the front, right behind the chick academy rows.
Sophia: Those chicks will be soooo cute!
Colonel: And sooo squeaky! We'd better sit further back.
Sophia: Oh, who cares! I need your elective lists so I can order school supplies!

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