Bitter apple to stop cats..ok to use?

yes, as stated above, the cat has food all the time. I’m also aware the goat can get sick. She’s the same size as the chickens so she can fit through the chicken coop door right now. I’m hoping she’ll grow soon so she can’t fit through soon. She’s almost 8 months old but so tiny. And apparently boneless.
Well not enough unfortunately. Hopefully you figure something out till things calm down ..:frow
Goats can only have small amounts of chicken feed
Seems like lol, since she’s still alive. Although she’s had the runs a bit too. Dose of Pepto fixes her right up. I can only do so much separating, especially now that it’s winter. Doing the best I can. Will be making the pepper spray today so will give that a go. Hey! Do you think if I sprayed all the chickens down the raccoon will stop eating them? That’s a joke...but the raccoon eating my chickens wasn’t.

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