Black Ameraucana Large Fowl Pairs and Trios NE Pennsylvania : Update


12 Years
Jan 2, 2008
Tamaqua, NE Pa
PM please if interested. These are for pick-up only or can meet you at the BLoomsburg sale, Lebanon Valley Exotic sale or the York Poultry Show this month. Sorry, no extra pullets. HS
Edit: these are cockerels and pullets only
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Update: Looks like I only have one cockerel left and will sell a pullet to make a pair. NO shipping for this pair. Will sell the cockerel seperate, NO shipping at this time. HS PM please.
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I'm still interested....but they will probably be gone before the weekend
I'm going up to Syracuse to see what I can get up there at the show this weekend.
Watch for the Harford, Pa show in the spring. I generally go there. They did have a show I thought in the fall but didn't see any advertised in the Poultry Press. If Syracuse was not so far I'd go since I sold most of my extra birds and probably not going to Uniontown on Sunday. Plus I have to build some coops I just bought about 10 LF Orpingtons in various colors this week no buffs. Good luck at the show. Harry
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ohh thanks for the Harford show tip. I'll keep an eye out for the date in the spring. Is it at the fairgrounds? It isn't very far from here. I used to go to the fair (in August)when I was a kid.
Yes, it is at the fairgrounds. They also have a poultry auction the same day. The quality of some of the birds were exceptional. Some real gems came out of there. HS

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