Black Australorp, Easter Egger, Silkie, Frizzle or monster?


7 Years
Jun 25, 2014
Hello all. I built an incubator last month and decided to hatch out some eggs. Out of the 12 that I started with 2 were early quitters and I culled them at day 15. I put 10 eggs into lockdown at day 18 and at day 22 all have hatched except 1. I am giving this egg, which was told to me to be a white australorp a few more days to hatch.
I bought the eggs from an ad on craigslist and it said the eggs were Black Australorps, White Australorps,Easter Eggers, Silkies, and Frizzles. I asked for a variety and he pointed out the Silkie eggs and the White Australorp egg. One egg was a jumbo light brown egg which I should have rejected for hatching, but I didn't and it made it to lockdown. The jumbo egg pipped at the same time the last silkie egg and it stalled. It started to zip but stopped and stay half zipped for more than 14 hours. I did assist. The chick that came out was huge, especially it's belly.
I thought it was another australorp but it is light grey on top. It is also twice the size of the australorps. Anyway,here are some pictures; I hope someone can help me with this:
The big chick, it falls onto it's back a lot but it did fluff up and it doesn't seem sick, just kind of fat.

Pretty sure this is a silkie

not sure? maybe a frizzle? bantam sized and came from small brown egg

Easter egger? came from green egg

The Australorps look just like they should so those were easy. These are the ones that I am iffy on. The rest of the brood look like one of these, so I will save more pictures till when they need to be sexed.
Thanks in advance for any help. Wild guesses also accepted!
Hello all. I built an incubator last month and decided to hatch out some eggs. Out of the 12 that I started with 2 were early quitters and I culled them at day 15. I put 10 eggs into lockdown at day 18 and at day 22 all have hatched except 1. I am giving this egg, which was told to me to be a white australorp a few more days to hatch.
I bought the eggs from an ad on craigslist and it said the eggs were Black Australorps, White Australorps,Easter Eggers, Silkies, and Frizzles. I asked for a variety and he pointed out the Silkie eggs and the White Australorp egg. One egg was a jumbo light brown egg which I should have rejected for hatching, but I didn't and it made it to lockdown. The jumbo egg pipped at the same time the last silkie egg and it stalled. It started to zip but stopped and stay half zipped for more than 14 hours. I did assist. The chick that came out was huge, especially it's belly.
I thought it was another australorp but it is light grey on top. It is also twice the size of the australorps. Anyway,here are some pictures; I hope someone can help me with this:Might be a Blue Australorp.
The big chick, it falls onto it's back a lot but it did fluff up and it doesn't seem sick, just kind of fat.
Black Silkie, probably.
Pretty sure this is a silkie

not sure? maybe a frizzle? bantam sized and came from small brown egg Not sure, might be a mix.
Easter Egger.
Easter egger? came from green egg

The Australorps look just like they should so those were easy. These are the ones that I am iffy on. The rest of the brood look like one of these, so I will save more pictures till when they need to be sexed.
Thanks in advance for any help. Wild guesses also accepted!
Thanks! I'll post more pics after the have some feathers, but it's a good start.
I have another one that is a bit different:

It has feathered feet and is yellow and black.
2 months later and this is how it turned out:

The fat grey chick grew into a beautiful blue australorp cockerel
The little black chick was indeed a silkie but she lightened up to a 2 tone grey.
The next black chick is a normal sized black sex link pullet
The easter egger looking chick turned out to be a fluffy red silkie mix cockerel
The yellow and black chick became a very handsome cockerel who was a pure mutt.

I did end up with 5 cockerels and 4 pullets with only the 2 australorps, the bsl, and the little grey silkie as pullets.
The weirdest one I had was an EE with 5 toes on each foot and he was mean to the other chickens even though he was not the dominant roo.
2 months later and this is how it turned out:

The fat grey chick grew into a beautiful blue australorp cockerel
The little black chick was indeed a silkie but she lightened up to a 2 tone grey.
The next black chick is a normal sized black sex link pullet
The easter egger looking chick turned out to be a fluffy red silkie mix cockerel
The yellow and black chick became a very handsome cockerel who was a pure mutt.

I did end up with 5 cockerels and 4 pullets with only the 2 australorps, the bsl, and the little grey silkie as pullets.
The weirdest one I had was an EE with 5 toes on each foot and he was mean to the other chickens even though he was not the dominant roo.
That ee with the extra toes was probably part silky then. He probably had silky blood in him.

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