Black bear in yard, fence down, goat gone


12 Years
Jun 15, 2010
Western Wisconsin
I heard a weird noise outside when I was inside the garage. So I opened the garage door. My goat ran in, in a panic. I called the other one and she didn't come, which is out of the ordinary. I turned the corner of the house to see a large black bear about 30 ft from me! This was at 10 pm. I was shining it with the flashlight. I ran back in, got the dog and sent it after the bear. The bear slowly walked away and even stopped once to stare at me. Stood on its hind legs near a tree but didn't climb it. I finally called the dog back. The fence for the goat pen was torn down. I cannot find my doe! I took the 4 wheeler out around the property and didn't find her, but I did chase down the bear. It had circled around to the other side of the house. I have never shot a gun, but legal or not I wanted to kill this bear. I live just over the city limit line so I called the police to report a missing goat. I hope she's not dead, but chances are good that I won't get her back.
Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Is is possible you scared the bear before it could hurt your goat and she is hiding somewhere? Maybe you'll find her in the morning. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about predators like THAT around here! I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way that she turns up unhurt.
Maybe she just ran off in a panic and will turn up somewhere. Is it a rural area, or do you have nearby neighbors that she might end up at? Hope you find her safe.
I am praying that she just panicked and ran off and you will find her come daybreak. I am so sorry this has happened. It will be a restless night for sure. I will say a prayer that she is safe and sound.
Okay you are really brave. I would have been randomly shooting at the bear, not chasing it!!!I hope since you saw the bear empty handed that the doe is in hiding. I could not blame her. I didnt think BB went after this kinda prey.
Okay you are really brave. I would have been randomly shooting at the bear, not chasing it!!!I hope since you saw the bear empty handed that the doe is in hiding. I could not blame her. I didnt think BB went after this kinda prey.

You both are much braver than I! This
is exactly what I would have been doing!!! I would not have sent my dog out there either! I would have been too scared for it! Did I mention I am scared of the dark???
I have apartments, a strip mall and hospital to the north. A river to the East, woods to the south and a highway to the west. I hope she doesn't get hit by a car. She's a Toggenburg, she looks like a deer so if she got hit they'd just keep driving. The other goat in my garage is going to ruin everything in there! This is ridiculous! And yes, we have a lot of bear in northern WI. This isn't the first time I've sent the dog after one. I'm just lucky this one didn't have cubs.
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that is just terrible i hope she is ok and someone finds her for you. well i would let someone thin down the bears during bear season, hmmmm if i did not have a catarax on my shooting eye i would be more than happy to help you out lol . but on the serious side i really hope you find her unharmed good luck
If the bear didn't run when it saw you or when the dog went after it, It has cubs and is hungry. Don't take any chacnes, this bear is dangerous. If it comes around again and it will, SHOOT IT. Next time it may be your children and grand children, not a goat. Until a person has seen the damage a bear can do, they think they are just cute. Well they are, but more important is that they are also a DANGER TO YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR CRITTERS.

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