Black Copper Marans Eggs for sale MS/LA border - New Offer Pg 6

I too was tempted, but with single digits during the day I still have 8 week olds in the house. I am sooo done with chicks in the house.......
would love to have a follow up of the hatches, and pics are always great
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Come on Clay, you need to take a chance
Though I should talk, took me some serious thinking to do, it but was worth it when you get fuzzy butts that came from, say from Texas. You know its a gamble but when that box show up, its a rush.
I know what you're saying. It I was nearly crawling out of my skin last week waiting for a dozen eggs to arrive. Had I jumped in I'd have the second dozen. But given the forecast (-28 again last night with wind chills around -45) I just couldn't pull the trigger. Frozen eggs are just no joy. I'd dearly love some bird that beautiful but with very limited resources I just couldn't take the chance and have them arrive frozen.

I PM'd Ruth about getting a dozen later but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. (Ruth hint hint PM me please)

I hope your eggs arrive warm and healthy. Good Luck!!

Oh and I just looked up Neenah. I hit Oshkosh every year. For that little airplane thingy they throw. Might be a chance to see some of these BCMs in person. I love meeting new people !!

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Sure look me up. I'm about 20 min to the north of oshkosh. I'm just looking forward to next week. Temps are back up 20 to 30. If you benn going to Eaa for some years I used to drive some of the School Buses for the Mall
Hi Clay - sorry for the delay in responding to your PM - I thought I had but I've been pretty overwhelmed with PMs from those wanting Marans.

For all those who still want some - I will be posting them for sale, as well as chicks, after my girls have had a chance to fill all the "special orders" I've already taken. I don't want to put too much pressure on them.
I'm not sure yet what price I will be asking.

Thanks all for your interest. I believe we all have a right to own BCMs and these beautiful eggs. When I first bought my BCMs I had been trying for many months to obtain some simply because I wanted the pretty eggs to add to my "Easter Basket" of colored eggs that I already gather and give away. Everyone loves the blue and green eggs so I thought I would add the chocolate and speckled eggs. Little did I know that they would become all the fad/rage and that they would soon start selling for over $500 for a dozen chicks. Has anyone been watching some of the EggBid/E-Bay auctions? Crazy, just crazy. I'll continue to offer them at low prices to BYC members. Personally, and I know this will cause enemies amongst the "serious BCM breeders", I can't wait till the prices drop to regular chicken prices because I bought these birds to EAT their eggs and GIVE them away. Once they got so expensive, I can't bring myself to do that so I'll be glad when prices drop and I can go back to putting them in my colorful basket of eggs. So, for me, the more people raising BCMs, the better.
Thank you, For offering us your eggs, I hope there other breeders are like you who are not getting in to this fad its not a good thing for anyone, birds or breeders.
Well my very first BCM egg, from my own flock, just hatched. It's a pure BCM with feathered legs:


These are the first eggs they laid while still free ranging so while James usually took his girls off to himself every day, there was still that possibilty of "Who Da Daddy". It will be interesting to see who all pops out of these eggs and the second tray due to hatch next week that were all gathered prior to separating the birds into breeder pens.

I will also be posting a thread soon for chicks for sale for pick up only.

For those who ordered eggs - the first order should go out today or tomorrow. By today I would have enough but wanted to send extra so it may be tomorrow. My girls seem to lay late in the day and have gone from 6 a day to 4 a day. Doesn't help that it is freezing here.

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