Black Copper Marans - Time progression of sexing - UPDATED with WEEKs #1-3 PICTURES

Thank you both! I feared the three were roosters but have my fingers crossed for 1 and 3. Number 4 seems to be my only hope!
What you have going on is what is commonly known as "Brachydactyly Mutation." Without getting too far into nerdy details, it is caused by a recessive feathered change gene (Pti-1 for Langshans or Marans). Here is an excellent site dealing with mutaions.

Do not breed birds having this trait. Missing toenails can also the first sign of line exhaustion.

@One Chick Two - ok, I just hatched a new little BCM from the same flock as Patrick, and you were totally right about the toes. I sent an email to the breeder to make sure they are aware of the issue.

I actually had to assist the new baby in hatching. She pipped just fine and rested a bit, then spent the next 24 hours chirping madly and pecking at the air. I eventually realized that she couldn't rotate to zip. I was afraid she had somehow become shrinkwrapped, even though the humidity was a nice steady 70. I followed the instructions for assisting very carefully, and she was totally ready to come out, not a drop of blood or yolk.

I think her hatching problem was due to VERY short little fourth toes, which I think have also contributed to moderate spraddle leg. I built her a little brace, and she's doing better. Hoping she will get strong and learn to adapt!

Here is little Petunia:

And here are her poor little feet!

The outermost toe on both feet is less that half the length it should be. Definitely going to make sure that both her genes and Patrick's stay out of the BCM gene pool!
I am looking at a group of bcm straight run chicks that are 16 weeks. Can someone please text me and i will send pics by text. I would like to know if the group has a reasonable amount of pullets before i make the drive. Thanks in advance! My number is 903.790.5223
It's pretty obvious which ones are roos/pullets by 16 weeks. The roos look very different and are extremely colorful at this point. Heres mine at 17 weeks old.

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