Black Jersey Giant thread!!!!!

7 weeks. I have a white and black. But I am thinking this one is a roo
Hey everyone I'm back!! Haha sorry, I started working third shift and it's a rough transition. But I've got lots of cool new things to talk about with my giants. My rooster is big! I'm almost 6'1" and can stand straight up with my hand by my hip and he can eat out of it. They have been free ranging and stay right in the yard no problem. (As long as you don't consider their love of strawberry plants a problem) we have hatched out 10 dozen eggs for friends and so far it's been 100% hate rate. I got tied up last week and couldn't collect eggs for a few days and now I have 3 broody hens sitting on them all! Still have all 16 that I started with. A coon tried to snatch one a few nights ago and got a fight he didn't plan on! JG hen-1 coon-0 haha. The rooster got a little cocky for a bit but was easily taught that I am at the top of the pecking order. I'll try to get some pictures soon. Until then I've got some catching up to do on this thread. I love it.
At what age did yours start laying, here is one of mine, Jumbo. Biggest of my girls. My black jerseys a super sweet very friendly and talkative when I visit them. They like to hand feed better than my Sussex.
I just got my first black jgs today! They are 4 days old and I'm in love! I got 7- 6 pullets and a cockerel. I do have a question if anyone can answer it. One of my pullets has this red marking on its belly and cheeks.. I don't know if it might be blood or a mark that the hatchery out on her or even actual color of her fluff??
well my bjgs finally laid 2 eggs at almost 6 months old, been crowing for a couple of months now.. i have 3 hens and 4 roosters..need to rehome 2..upstate ny

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