Black Laced Red Wyandotte Thread

I am so happy that you got your first egg. I remember my first serama egg from my only serama hen. I was so excited.
I've got a question..... How are seramas in comparison to OEGB? have you ever had any? (OEGB)
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No she is the only bantam that I have ever had and I got to say I am a fan. She is broody right now her first time. Put a egg out there to see what she would do and she tucked it underneath her. It is not fertilized but before she was sitting on nothing. I just figured that the egg size is about the same. I know that a ton of people mistake their OEGB's for Seramas or the other way around.
OK, thanks. I really like my OEGB's! seramas are really cute and i'd definitifly try one if I could find one.
Try Tracy Vincent she is a good one for getting Seramas. That is where we got Uma and she is just the most beautiful hen and she is also very sweet. Check out her Facebook page. I love her and her Seramas are pretty good quality to me.
Got my first egg from Mona today. YAY! I am so happy.
Mona started squatting a couple of days ago before she started laying so you will probably have a week or so before she starts laying. And her first egg was a double yolk. I am so happy.

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