Black Laced Red Wyandotte Thread

I haven't been on BYC for a couple of days because I have been busy. First egg yet from Kiowa. None from mine she is a freeloader. LOL
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I go a coop full of freeloaders... only gettin' around 0-2 eggs a day form 30 chickens, granted 4 are roos and one is 7 years old.
I haven't been on BYC for a couple of days because I have been busy. First egg yet from Kiowa. None from mine she is a freeloader. LOL
Nope, not even close. She's a late bloomer!

I go a coop full of freeloaders... only gettin' around 0-2 eggs a day form 30 chickens, granted 4 are roos and one is 7 years old.
HA HA HA!!!! Poor Bubbles. Are they molting or something?

Nope, not even close. She's a late bloomer!

HA HA HA!!!! Poor Bubbles. Are they molting or something?


moltin' in full force, if you want to see pics that makes your "angel" look like the most beautiful bird on the planet, tell me. lol. the roo has no tail and emma has almost no butt feathers!!
Haha! I am so glad that other people have chicken dreams too. I don't have them every night but I have them often enough. LOL
We got squatting from Mona today. I am so happy. I am so ready for her to lay her first egg I can't even take it.
We got squatting from Mona today. I am so happy. I am so ready for her to lay her first egg I can't even take it.
Hooray for Mona!
I'm awfully excited, too, because my BLRW, Silver Spangled Hamburg and Buckeye are getting ready to lay as well. It's such an exciting time, isn't it? Kiowa has yet to show any signs of coming close to laying, but as I've discovered, not all pullets squat.

Yeah! Uma didn't squat either but she lays eggs. Good luck with Kiowa I just went out there and she squatted again.

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