Black Orpington Roo SOLOMON


I Got The Naked Neck Blues
10 Years
Aug 2, 2009
Ocala Fl
This is Solomon real tuff guy during the day, and at night a real good mama, he looks after this orphan chicks during the day and night


Had to let him up so you can see the chicks he was sitting on

I wish my roo would sit on some eggs and let the uber-broodies get a break!

What a fabulous boy!
WOW!! He is beautiful and such a sweetie!! Sometimes I think roosters have a bigger heart than hens. We also have a rooster (approx 6 weeks old) that we put 6 chicks with (ages 2wks - 4 wks). The little chicks snuggle up under him also, and follow him around like HE'S their mama. I just love a good rooster!!
before he adopted these chicks, he was the proud Dad of 4 keets and 1 turkey, but they are a little old to get under him I LOVE THIS BOY

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