Black sex link to black sex link.

I ma now so excited to let them hatch some chicks in the spring. I have been around for awhile I do not now why it says I am new. I do not post much though. I got 13 (ordered 12) straight run f, I ended up with 6 females and 7 males. My one male that was beat up and picked on in the beginning (the people of BYC directed me to blue Kote which helped) He is now the top of the flock! I will soon be slaughtering my first batch, and awaiting eggs from the girls I will be keeping! I miss the fresh eggs! My RIR stopped laying but she will start again soon.
I have 12 24 month old BSL that I have raised from three days old bought from hatchery, originally had 16 however have lost four over time by Opossums. Noisy as heck, good layers, so so as being friendly They want come near anyone but me.
Thinking about a RIR rooster to put in with them for protection and maybe to reproduce a bit. I now sell my surplus eggs to regular customers for $4.00 per dozen. Not a money maker but helps with food cost.
I have 12 24 month old BSL that I have raised from three days old bought from hatchery, originally had 16 however have lost four over time by Opossums. Noisy as heck, good layers, so so as being friendly They want come near anyone but me.
Thinking about a RIR rooster to put in with them for protection and maybe to reproduce a bit. I now sell my surplus eggs to regular customers for $4.00 per dozen. Not a money maker but helps with food cost.

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