Black silkies

I don't recall the statistics, but induced labor is far more likely to result in a c-section than labor that is not induced. Of course some of that comes from whatever the reason was that labor was not occuring or progressing naturally, but a fair portion is from the induction itself.
Yikes.... I could handle a puppy. Told the doctor right away to inject me with something and give it a tail and make it bark. Soooo ready just to get it over with and doctor thought I'd be in labor last week already. Cervix has been open for a full 4 weeks and I've been partially dilated since last thursday. She could already feel the head engaged in the birth canal then, my blood pressure was way up, and baby's heart rate was down to 120. Lil fart is practicing kick boxing into my ribs today. I guess I haven't gotten to experience any of the dreams. She won't let me sleep any longer than an hour at a time tops since at least 4 months along. Thursday would be good.
I could handle that.... Helped clean chicken pens on saturday and lots of snow to shovel this week. lol raspberry tea?

I'm pretty sure it was at Shawnee that Premier got Res. FL in Shawnee. I think she also got got RB next to Donna McCormick's white at Ohio. The blacks are finally turning some heads with judges. Up here in MN at least, I've seen a black on champ row twice now (both Premier's birds) and I've NEVER seen any other color than white up there. No blues, buff, splash, etc.

I'll let Hannah post some pics. She let me know the other night that she got BB in Open, Jr Champion Featherleg, and Jr Champion Bantam with a black pullet at Delmarva. Bigtime congrats Hannah!!!!!!!!
Yes, WALK WALK WALK... say NO to the Pitocin! Never been in so much pain... EVER. The contractions DO NOT STOP. I was in labor for another 20 hours on the Pitocin.

Literally thought I would die.

That was a year ago and the memories haven't faded quite enough to be going through it again in six weeks!

Being a mama is GREAT and early 30's is a wonderful time to do it for the first. Amy you will fall in love with the little buggar for sure. You are a trooper for cleaning out pens while preggo...

On a happy silkie note... We have just hatched out 4 beautiful blacks! We can't wait to have more.
Pitocin and an epidural within a half hour and that was my easiest labor...went faster and I didn't feel a thing! YAY! Thank goodness for those epidurals!! Makes it a breeze!
Pitocin isn't that bad....I had it with both. The second one I progressed so fast I almost didn't get an epidural. Labor hurts, but it's not THAT bad. Just feels like really bad gas cramps that go around to your back!

Good luck with your rugrat!
Right there with you. I'm 36 and this will be my first. Thankfully, I still have a little way to go yet. But I hope your labor comes on its own soon and that it's smooth sailing!
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Lol my doctor thinks I'm a lil nuts.... My main reason for not wanting a C section is because I want to be back up riding horse by the time the snow is melting. I don't have time to be laid up.... Its hatching season up here. Have 4-H clinics to put on, the MSPA meeting/swap on March 19th, and the big Waverly exotic sale on April 10th. I'd love to make it to a few poultry shows in April. Prime trail riding and show season starting in May...

I honestly don't think the pain will bother me that bad. I've dislocated my sacroilliac and 5th lumbar at least 3 times over the last 10 years. Can't be any worse than having to deal with that. Just grit your teeth and swear a lil.... Diapers and baby puke are another story. Gimme a fast forward button!
Amy, just because I can't help it I have to tell you I was riding until the day my water broke. To this day I attribute the easy, quick birth to all the riding I did during my pregnancy. Of course my shoes were so tight after riding I could barely get my shoes off but at least I was in the saddle doing what I loved.
Here's a pic of my black pullet that won BB in open, JR Champ Featherleg, and Jr Champ Bantam
They didnt pick an overall Jr Best in show, but I was still tickled to death with winning! In the pic, she had just taken a drink of water so she looks messy haha

She looks awsome !!! And Congratulations on the win !!!!! The same here I road in the saddle up untill I couldn't get my belly in there then I went to bareback pad with strurips LOL I have some pics some where LOL When I said I couldn't have my last child at 44 naturally because of old injuries ( barrel raceing ) I'm a old gamer . Funny now I can hardley walk , never mind keep up with a four year old . But I wouldn't trade one moment of my life not one . Amy I have to tell you haveing a C- section is one of the most terrifing things that ever happened to me . They don't tell you half of what you really can expect . WALK GIRL WALK
Your baby is comming todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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