Black spots on was bleeding


11 Years
Apr 3, 2008
Hi everyone,

One of our buff orp Roo's...15 weeks old...has like 3 black round spots on his comb...his comb is kind of crooked too...that isn't the main thing tho but these spots are...they have gotten bigger and last night he was shaking his head quite a bit and the one spot on the end of his comb (on the back side of his head) was pecked at I'm guessing...the bleeding stopped but it was pretty scary to see him with blood on his head!!!

Should I put something on these black spots?? Anyone know what it is and what causes it? I noticed 1 little black spot on another Roo's comb last night...


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Hi Jen,
Don't know if this will help or not. But have you tried sitting and watching them for a little bit. My 2 white leghorns started doing the same thing after our " Mr. Roo" got old enough to do what all roo's do. They have big combs and that's where he grabs ahold of them at. Maybe your roo's are fighting and that's where they are getting ahold of each other at? I'm sure someone with more experience will be along shortly.
Hope this helps
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We have...the most we have ever seen is they sometimes get close to eachother and sit and crow at eachother...but haven't seen any pecking...???
When my roos get to fighting at night the next morning the dried blood from the wounds looks like black spots. Apparently by morning they have sorted it out and behave like nothing happened except for the marked up combs and since they are white some blood streaks in their hackles. You could separate them maybe and see if it just heals up and goes away? I use an ointment called Corona on just about any wound on any animal on the farm. It's an antiseptic ointment and heals them wonderfully and prevents infection. It is available online and at most feed stores. Comes in a yellow & red tube or a little tub that is yellow and red also.
Well it is looking / sounding like that is what this is...I'll pick up some ointment ..would be nice to have some on hand anyway
One of my roosters has a black spot on his comb. He fights alot with the other roo. But BOs are pretty docile so that wouldn't be my first guess, but it could be it.
Mine has black spots too but only because my serama boss roo grabs a hold of it! Poor baby. It's not bleeding yet and they will be separated very soon so I would watch to see if the little guy is being picked on. You may have to seperate

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