Black_Cat's Ultimate Chicken Name Thread!

Nessie ( the princesswhite leghorn)

Squirrel ( super escaper EE)

Pidgy ( cheek floooofff EE)

Radish ( low in the pecking order 😥 Columbian x RIR)

Pengu (I sleep in nesting boxes noir/midnight majest maran) the left chicken
I have a GREAT, very foolproof plan:
1. Grow up
2. Get job
3. Move to country
4. Build GIANT chicken coop and several smaller ones
5. Get chickens
6. Get more chickens
That's normally how it is. I don't have a job, because I'm disabled.
Buff Cochins:
Brunhilda (she just looked like a tough chick)
Summer (my son's pick)

White Cochins:
Cutie (my daughter's pick)
Nova (she's got cool eyes, reminded me of a solar system or something)

Black Cochins:
Nightwing (other son's pick)
Peep-a-Boo (this one kept hiding and just peeking out from under the heater)

Light Brahmas:
Ghost/Ghostie Girl (she was a pale chick)
Banshee (she had a weird voice when she was young)

Silver Spangled Hamburg (my surprise chick that came with order)
Mystery (my husband is a creative guy); it became Mischief when Mystery turned out to be a boy

Royal Palm Turkeys
Boden (kind of warped from Big Odin)
Aria (super noisy as a poult! My mother said it sounded like she was singing an aria)
HeiHei (named after Moana rooster - super cute but oh so dumb!)
Fezzik (big guy named after Andre the giant's character in the Princess Bride)
Rose Madder (named after a favorite book and the color her face turns)
Goblin ( just fits. trust me, lol)

Sam (named after brothers from Supernatural - they actually look like them)
Dean (see above)

The Tiny Peepers (young silkies):
Willow (character from Willow)
Tyrion (character fro mthe Game of Thrones)
Dandelion (she has the buff leakage which gives her a maned look)
Mako (she has the speed and appetite of a mako shark!)

Mama silkie and her 4 chicks:
Henrietta (it just fit her, plus I like the name and can call her Hen)
Squish (a just named chick because (s)he was totally splatted by a turkey (it's fine!)
and 3 yet unnamed chicks (the chicklets)
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Here are some of our hens, in pecking order: :)

Jenny (Barred rock)
Lucy (Posh Brahma, nicknamed Prue after Prue Leith)

Truffle (Buff)


Ginger & Nutmeg (also Buffs, Ginger being the most golden)
Henny Penny is in a class of her own! (Spared Cornish X)


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I now realize that you probably meant if I had a separate pen for each rooster. :lol: I didn’t, I had one pen with a big flock of only roosters in it. I don’t have my bachelor pad anymore, but not because the roosters didn’t get along.
No, I meant one big seperated coop for you’re rooster community. No need to give them individual coops as long as there are no hens involved in this setup. 🐓
(Sorry, I am really Dutch , not a native English speaker and sometimes I don’t choose the right words to express myself )
I love naming my chickens after other animals too! Hence we have a Fish, Turtle, Goose, and we used to have a Duck too.
Mrs. Featherbottom (cochin)
Pip (bantam chicken)
Baron (for a big rooster)
Solomon (a roo with many hens, if you get me ;) )
Little Jerry
Cowboy Dan
Lady Gaga

All of the names are my current (and some deceased) flock.

Btw, I love the name Socks!
Those names are all great! I love the ones Lucille (me wit my L names again), Tikki, Fifi, and Lena! I accidentally read Heidi and Ludwig together as Hedwig, which reminded me of wanting to name some after harry potter characters lol


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