Bloddy vent

Looks like she's moving around pretty good. The only worry I would have is that the others may pick at her vent, otherwise, I think they do better if allowed to be outside with or near the flock.
Her feathers look to be nipped all over - do you notice the flock nipping/pulling her feathers before all this happened?
Looks like she's moving around pretty good. The only worry I would have is that the others may pick at her vent, otherwise, I think they do better if allowed to be outside with or near the flock.
Her feathers look to be nipped all over - do you notice the flock nipping/pulling her feathers before all this happened?
Yes, we have been having issues with our girls pecking at eachother. We are looking into giving a few away 😢 We thought we had enough room and have given them some enrichment toys but they aren’t interested. We have 10 and all but three are missing feather. My assumption is that the three better looking ones are the culprits 👎

I hear all these awesome stories of raising chickens and while I love having mine I feel like I have so many issues. It’s a bummer.
I so appreciate all your input. It is very helpful.
I would say you are right that the 3 better looking ones are the picking culprits.

Sometimes even with a lot of space you can have issues. More protein in the diet can sometimes be helpful as well, so if you are only feeding a 16% poultry feed, try an 18-20% all flock feed.

That's the way it is a lot of times - you can read wonderful stories/blogs, etc. about chickens and the writer paints a lovely picture/description. Happy, sweet tempered, fluffy bottom hens just sauntering joyfully through the yard. Well. They don't tell you that hens are quite jealous of one another and can sometimes be plain downright nasty with each other. I've had some mean ones and I've had some very sweet ones. It is what it is, but downsizing/culling is sometimes a solution to those meanies. I've not done it that often, but I've found that removing a hen or a rooster can often bring a lot of peace within a flock.

You are doing fine. Do the best you can.:hugs
I would say you are right that the 3 better looking ones are the picking culprits.

Sometimes even with a lot of space you can have issues. More protein in the diet can sometimes be helpful as well, so if you are only feeding a 16% poultry feed, try an 18-20% all flock feed.

That's the way it is a lot of times - you can read wonderful stories/blogs, etc. about chickens and the writer paints a lovely picture/description. Happy, sweet tempered, fluffy bottom hens just sauntering joyfully through the yard. Well. They don't tell you that hens are quite jealous of one another and can sometimes be plain downright nasty with each other. I've had some mean ones and I've had some very sweet ones. It is what it is, but downsizing/culling is sometimes a solution to those meanies. I've not done it that often, but I've found that removing a hen or a rooster can often bring a lot of peace within a flock.

You are doing fine. Do the best you can.:hugs
Would you recommend a certain brand of food? We shop at tractor supply for our pet needs.
I keep telling myself that..that “I’m doing my darndest” but these girls are giving me a run for my money!!
I do love them as does the rest of my family and hate the thought of culling anyone but I know it is sometimes a necessity.
I may have someone who is looking for a few so that seems to be the better option.
Would you recommend a certain brand of food? We shop at tractor supply for our pet needs.
I keep telling myself that..that “I’m doing my darndest” but these girls are giving me a run for my money!!
I do love them as does the rest of my family and hate the thought of culling anyone but I know it is sometimes a necessity.
I may have someone who is looking for a few so that seems to be the better option.
Personally I feed an all flock feed from Southern States which may not be in your area.

TSC carries Purina Flock Raiser and I think Nutrena Naturwise All flock. The Flock Raiser is 20% protein, not quite sure about the Nutrena since I have never used that.

My birds ate the Flock Raiser just fine, but it's only available in crumble form here and I do prefer pellets so use another brand, but if I can't get what I normally buy or if I have chicks, then I will still buy Flock Raiser.

Provide oyster shell free choice like you are doing. The all flock feeds have minimal calcium but I've not had an issues with shell quality. I also feed back my eggs shells as well.

As for culling - cull can mean "removing" from the flock, so re-homing or downsizing is considered culling too. (so is killing them) If you have someone that will take them that's a good option, especially for hens that are in good condition and laying. I don't rehome, but I will cull and eat if I need to.

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