Blood in my coop this morning


9 Years
Mar 24, 2015
I came into my coop this morning to let my chickens out to roam and came upon these bloody spots. I have 3 bantam hens and 3 bantam roosters along with 7 larger red/golden comets. My comets have recently started laying . The bloody areas are where my bantams always pick their roost. Anyone know what this could be. All of the chickens are iut running around eating, doing their thing they always do except for one comet which is laying a egg.


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We are going through the same problem. It needs to be treated immediately. We found Corrid powder in the cattle section of our local Tractor Supply. Add 1 and a half teaspoon of water to a gallon of water. Change daily and treat the whole flock for 5 to 7 days.
Thanks everyone! I called my local feed store, they were sold out, but tractor supply said they had it in a powder mix, so I am heading to get that.
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