Blood in stool

OP said that calves drink from the chicken waterer
I think OP meant they bought the Corid for calves (which is what is used for chickens), however they should use the dosage instructions of the animal(s) they actually have.

As far as the initial diagnosis I'm pretty sure it's intestinal shedding, but treating with Corid as per instructions does no harm. The Corid needs to be given for the full duration of treatment as instructed by Kiki, and as the sole water source for the whole flock during duration of treatment. Do not give any additional vitamins during treatment.
As a follow up, the vet found no blood in her stool and found no evidence of cocci and advised me against using anything to treat it. It was a big relief, but being a new chicken mommy can be stressful. She’s doing great this morning though!
Do you know if the vet checked for cocci and coccidiosis which is treated with Corid.
Cocci is a bacteria and not treated with Corid.
Two very different things.

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