blood on eggs ever since *pic*

whatsup chickenbutt

11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
Ever since this huge egg a few days ago, all three of my white leghorn's eggs (which have been normal sized since)have had blood smears on them. Is that just because she is recovering from that huge thing, or should I be concerned? There are no visible signs of blood on her backside.

One of my birds has been laying a bigger torpedo shaped egg lately......I thought that was big till i saw yours.
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she seems to be ok. She is eating and active, and doesnt look any worse for wear. However, today, I was looking at her and she had some blood smears on the feathers on her two sides. Oh well, she's fine I guess. Im not going to worry too much, she is all over the place and acts perfectly normal. I guess she's just got a sore hiney....
LOL I got a triple yolker the other day, then she looked back at that egg like "Holy sh*t" after she laid it, I about died laughin! But she's fine, it was a little bloody, but she aint actin miserable or nothin...
I don't think there's much you can do about it, except give it some time. Poor girl! That was a whopper of an egg! Hopefully, she'll be better soon.

I've had pullet eggs with blood smears a few times, when they first started to lay. They all healed fine.

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