Blood rings


10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Do blood rings always form a circle or a ring? I have one egg in particular that looks almost like its forming a ring but it doesnt touch to make a circle or a ring its day 7. I can see the embryo and a few veins but theres a well pronounced vein almost all the way around. Im waiting for my new candler to show up in the mail so i can take pics sorry. If anyone can understand what i just wrote it would be great lol.

Just a note i know what blood rings look like i dont need post of pics on site im just wondering if anyone has from experince maybe had one like that or will it be a viable egg maybe. I have never seen one like it before i really wish i could take a pic it would help alot.
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Thats a good theory but it would contaminate the eggs and possibly explode before the others hatched. I will leave it another few days all the same to see if anything else develops from here.
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A well-pronounced ring is not a good sign. The egg won't likely explode, even after 21 day, so there's no harm in leaving it until day 12 or so. By then there should be no doubt, especially in comparison to the other eggs. Good luck, though. *fingers crossed for you*
Me & Jack :

A well-pronounced ring is not a good sign. The egg won't likely explode, even after 21 day, so there's no harm in leaving it until day 12 or so. By then there should be no doubt, especially in comparison to the other eggs. Good luck, though. *fingers crossed for you*

I candled again today the egg is still growing there are more veins all over now. But like in another couple of the eggs the embryo seems to be up towards the air sac im assuming detached air sacs.

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