Blood spots? please read.

I learned something new today. Thanks for the link on fertilized eggs! I am kinda new to this and I was given bad information previously. Thanks!
mine have never once in their little chicken lives been around a rooster, and we get blood spots more often than not.

don't worry about it one bit, it's just protein.

DON'T throw them out either! I know it's tempting to not want to eat them, but if you've ever used a cake batter, cookie dough, or any other processed/dried foods which contain eggs, you've already been eating eggs with blood spots, you just didn't know it.
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If there is a small blood spot (let's say you decide to candle them all before eating,) you can simply store them for a week or two and it will disappear/dissolve/whatever. I understand commercial operations do this.
I was just going to post the same question

one of my hens routinely has blood spots in her eggs, but now one of my ducks did too,and she never has before... but she also just started laying again after a month or two break...

I am trying to find the thread...but I seem to remember reading something about certain illnesses(at curtial development stages in the hen) can cause funky things with eggs- like mis-shapen eggs, and blood spots.... but now I can not search engine that thread out

I love to share my extra eggs with friends, but I always feel embarrassed explaining blood spots, they don't bother me, I just pick them out- but I worry folks will think I have given them a developing chick or something- so I try to explain what they really are- but it does not seem any less icky when gifting eggs LOL
Is it true that blood spots on the yolk will disappear after storage? How long must refrigeration be?
31 parkway
My hens are laying for the past twomonths. They are seven months old. Just this past week I had 5 eggs with blood spots. I have six hens and they are all brown egg layers. Can you candle a brown egg without using a laser?

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